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Displaying 981-1000 of 1340 results
U of T launches India Innovation Institute
TORONTO, ON – David Naylor, President of the University of Toronto, launches the India Innovation Institute. A joint initiative of the Munk School of Global Affairs and the Rotman School of Management, the India Innovation Institute will be a multidisciplinary hub for faculty and students researching the field of innovation. Preeti Saran, Consul General of […]
U of T community build giant human ribbon
TORONTO, ON – In recognition of National Mental Illness Week, U of T students, staff and faculty are taking part in creating a human green ribbon to raise awareness of mental illness. The event, UniTe Against Stigma: help build the human ribbon, will take place on Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 12p.m. at King’s College […]
How far is near
TORONTO, ON — A perennial crowd favorite, the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery is once again proud to present a slate of programming for the City of Toronto’s annual all night contemporary art festival, Scotiabank Nuit Blanche. This year’s highlights include a newly commissioned Farmers Market 2050, a new bar-chitectural installation by Dean Baldwin, a film […]
Internet archive reaches 3 million items with rare Galileo texts from the U of T libraries
TORONTO, ON – Galileo’s Dialogo de Cecco di Ronchitti … de la Stella Nuova and Considerazioni … spora Alcuni Luoghi de Discorso di Lodovico delle Colombe – two pamphlets from a volume of fifteen treatises on comets published from 1575 to 1606, together represent the 3 millionth text to be digitized and made freely available […]
New appointments strengthen faculty at UofT’s Rotman School of Management
TORONTO, ON – A total of twelve appointments have been made to the faculty at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management for the 2011/12 academic year. Appointments have been made in the areas of strategic management, marketing, accounting, organizational behaviour and human resources, and finance. “These appointments will strengthen our teaching capabilities in […]
Chemical Engineering presents Lectures at the Leading Edge
TORONTO, ON — On Wednesday, October 5, 2011, the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto will kick off its 18 part Lectures at the Leading Edge series. As you might have guessed from the title, the idea for the series is to highlight groundbreaking research and inspire fresh discussion. […]
Wanna save? Keep it simple, says Rotman paper.
TORONTO, ON – If one savings goal is a good thing, two or more should be great, right? Not really. Those who want to save are more apt to keep socking money away and more of it too, if they have just one goal in mind, shows work done in multiple countries by two researchers […]
Hundreds gather for tenth edition of Canada’s largest student auto race
TORONTO, ON — Over 400 of North America’s top engineering students will be gathering to compete at Canada’s largest student-run auto racing event — The U of T Shootout. Established in 2001 by the University of Toronto Formula SAE Racing Team, the U of T Shootout attracts 21 Formula SAE teams for a full day […]
McLuhan Thinkers Converge in Toronto
TORONTO, ON — The legendary media theorist Marshall McLuhan will be celebrated in Toronto at the most significant gathering of McLuhan thinkers and creators ever assembled. Then I Now I Next: International Conference and DEW Line Festival runs from November 7 to November 10. Registration is now open. The conference and festival is the centrepiece […]
Nature offers key lessons on harvesting solar power, says U of T chemistry professor
TORONTO, ON — Clean solutions to human energy demands are essential to our future. While sunlight is the most abundant source of energy at our disposal, we have yet to learn how to capture, transfer and store solar energy efficiently. According to University of Toronto chemistry professor Greg Scholes, the answers can be found in […]
Symposium celebrates 50 years of industrial engineering in Canada
TORONTO, ON — Alumni, faculty and current students will gather together on Saturday September 24, 2011 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Canada’s oldest industrial engineering program, which was established at the University of Toronto in 1961. In a series of discussions, panelists will talk about the impact of industrial engineering on a number of […]
University of Toronto partners with community museum to provide hands-on learning for students
TORONTO, ON –Documenting local Aboriginal settlement history, designing exhibits and archiving artefacts are just some of the hands-on learning opportunities that students in the Faculty of Information’s Masters of Museum Studies program will experience this academic year under a new partnership between the University of Toronto and a community museum in east-end Toronto. The Cabbagetown […]
Vote compass launches in Ontario
TORONTO, ON — Starting today, people will be able to log onto Vote Compass to find out how their views compare with those of the political parties in the upcoming provincial election. Vote Compass invites users to respond to a series of questions on political issues and provides a personal assessment in which their responses […]
U of T‑led research improves performance of next-generation solar cell technology
TORONTO, ON – Researchers from the University of Toronto (U of T), King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) and Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) have created the most efficient colloidal quantum dot (CQD) solar cell ever. The discovery is reported in the latest issue of Nature Materials. Quantum dots are nanoscale semiconductors that […]
Law in Action Within Schools’ newest partner, Osgoode Hall Law School, allows program to expand to three more high schools
TORONTO, ON – Law in Action Within Schools, an innovative law and justice-themed education and mentoring program, will announce a new partnership with York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School on September 20, 2011, that allows LAWS to expand its initiative to include three additional high schools in low-income Toronto neighbourhoods. LAWS’ programming will expand to […]
University of Toronto ranked third among schools outside U.S.A.
TORONTO, ON — The University of Toronto is one of the top three schools in the world outside the United States – behind only the University of Cambridge and University of Oxford – in one of the latest releases of the 2011 rankings season. The Newsweek College Rankings Report 2011 includes four Canadian universities among […]
Researchers discover a switch that controls stem cell pluripotency
TORONTO, ON — Scientists have found a control switch that regulates stem cell “pluripotency,” the capacity of stem cells to develop into any type of cell in the human body. The discovery reveals that pluripotency is regulated by a single event in a process called alternative splicing. Alternative splicing allows one gene to generate many […]
John A. Tory Fellowship established at University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management
TORONTO, ON – A fellowship in memory of John A. Tory has been established at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management with an $180,000 commitment from Thomson Reuters. The annual fellowship will provide a $40,000 award to a Full-Time MBA student. The recipient will also have the opportunity to participate in a competitive […]
Press Conference: Toronto Waterfront
TORONTO WATERFRONT The Cities Centre at the University of Toronto in collaboration with a large number of groups and individuals in city planning, architecture, design and related fields will release an open letter to City Councillors to urge rejection of the proposal supported by the Mayor regarding the Port Lands. Thursday (tomorrow), September 15, 2011 […]
U of T to give awards for sexual diversity promotion
TORONTO, ON — The Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, located at University College, University of Toronto, is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2011 Bonham Centre Awards: Linda Schuyler, co-creator and producer of the Degrassi television series, and Dustin Lance Black, Academy Award-winning screenwriter for the 2008 movie Milk. The awards […]