Media Releases

Below is a selection of recent press releases. For all the latest news please visit

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May 28, 2010

Renowned author Lawrence Hill to receive honorary degree

TORONTO, ON – Approximately 11,500 students will graduate from the University of Toronto this spring at convocation ceremonies taking place from Wednesday, June 2, to Friday, June 18. All ceremonies will be held in Convocation Hall, 31 King’s College Circle.    The University will also confer nine honorary degrees, recognizing extraordinary achievements in community, national and international service.  Acclaimed Canadian novelist Lawrence Hill, philosopher Ian Hacking and former Deputy Prime Minister John Manley are among this year’s honorary graduates, a group…

May 27, 2010

UofT holds ceremony in honour of 80th birthdays of Presidents Emeriti George Connell and John Evans

TORONTO, ON – The University of Toronto is holding a ceremony on Tuesday, June 1 2010 to dedicate two park benches in honour of the 80th birthdays of UofT Presidents Emeriti George Connell and John Evans. The park benches will be installed on campus grounds south of Hart House/east of University College.  EVENT DETAILS:  WHAT:  Park Bench dedication ceremony in honour of the 80th birthdays of Presidents  Emeriti George Connell and John Evans  WHO:  President Emeriti George Connell, President Emeriti…

May 26, 2010

Growing the next generation of pro bono lawyers

TORONTO, ON - Three keynote lectures will take place at the University of Toronto May 28 -30, 2010 as part of a national training conference for the 50 law students across Canada who run Pro Bono Students Canada (PBSC), the only national pro bono service organization in the world. PBSC provides legal services without charge to organizations and individuals in need across Canada. • Junior Sirivar is a partner at McCarthy Tétrault in Toronto. He recently obtained an order from…

May 26, 2010

Is Google creating a public library–or the world’s largest shopping mall?

Toronto, ON - The Centre for Innovation Law and Policy at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law is hosting a one-day conference "The Google Book Search Project and Canada: Cross-Border Legal Perspectives" with various commentators, players and stakeholders to draw lessons from the American experience and consider possible Canadian solutions for the copyright challenges to the mass digitization and reuse of works. Google's ambitious project to digitize millions of the world's books has as many supporters as it does…

May 25, 2010

Astronomers discover “defiant” new supernova

TORONTO, ON - An international team of astronomers has uncovered a supernova whose origin cannot be explained by any previously known mechanism and which promises exciting new insights into stellar explosions. SN2005E was first spotted on January 13, 2005 in the nearby galaxy NGC1032. Since then, scientists have carried out various observations of it using different telescopes including the Keck, the world's largest, at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Analysis of the collected data, theoretical modeling and interpretation led to the conclusion…

May 20, 2010

Between the genes — U of T researchers make sense of the “dark matter”

TORONTO, ON - A new discovery by University of Toronto scientists has uncovered the secrets behind what many in the field of molecular genetics have referred to as the mysterious"dark matter" of DNA. This "dark matter" refers to what once thought of as nothing more than "junk DNA," located in regions outside of actual genes. When it was discovered that genetic signals, or transcripts, were coming from this area, many believed that there was a whole new mystery to solve,…

May 18, 2010

New biography of Dr. Fraser Mustard: “connections and careers”

TORONTO, ON – Dr. Fraser Mustard, one of the world’s foremost experts on early childhood development, is the subject of a new biography that was unveiled today at a reception at the University of Toronto.  Titled “Connections and Careers,” the book chronicles Mustard’s personal and professional relationships over the years, from his Depression-era childhood and early academic struggles in school to his triumphs as “Moose” Mustard, all-star University of Toronto tackle, through to his distinguished accomplishments as a physician and…

May 17, 2010

UofT gains two canada excellence research chairs

TORONTO, ON – Two international research superstars have been appointed as new Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) at the University of Toronto, Industry Minister Tony Clement announced today. At a news conference at UofT, Clement announced that Professor Frederick (Fritz) Roth is the Canada Research Excellence Chair in Integrative Biology and Professor Oliver Ernst is the CERC in Structural Neurobiology. They were among a total field of 19 inaugural CERCs at 13 universities across the country.  “The Government of Canada…

May 12, 2010

New biography of Dr. J. Fraser Mustard to be unveiled at UofT reception

TORONTO, ON – A new biography of Dr. J. Fraser Mustard, one of the world’s foremost experts on early childhood development, will be launched at a reception on Tuesday, May 18, 2010. EVENT DETAILS WHAT:          Reception and book launch of “Connections and Careers” PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Fraser Mustard Marian A. Packham, author and University Professor Emerita, University of Toronto David Naylor, President of the University of Toronto WHEN:          4 pm – 6 pm, Tuesday May 18, 2010 WHERE:      …

May 11, 2010

700 researchers to gather at UofT for Great Lakes Research Conference

Toronto, ON – Invasive species, toxic chemical contamination and the safety of eating Great Lakes fish are some of the challenges being addressed by researchers and government at a major conference on Great Lakes research being held at the University of Toronto from Monday, May 17 to Friday, May 21.  Among the speakers is Cameron Davis, Senior Advisor on the Great Lakes to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has committed $2 billion…