Media Releases
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UofT appoints new Vice President and Principal of the University of Toronto Mississauga
TORONTO, ON – Professor Hargurdeep (Deep) Saini, Dean of the Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo, has been appointed the new Vice President and Principal of the University of Toronto Mississauga, UofT announced today. The appointment, a five-year term, begins on July 1, 2010. "I'm delighted that Prof. Deep Saini is joining us as Vice President and Principal of the University of Toronto Mississauga,” said President David Naylor. “A fine scholar and generous mentor, Deep Saini has a…
UofT’s Governing Council approves extension of President David Naylor’s term
TORONTO, ON – The University of Toronto’s Governing Council announced today that it has approved the extension of President David Naylor’s term, currently due to end on June 30, 2010. The President has committed to serve an additional three years, from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2013. The agreement includes an option of a further extension of up to two years. During the last several weeks, the Executive Committee of Council has been engaged in a review, seeking input…
Renowned author to receive honorary degree
TORONTO, ON – Approximately 11, 500 students will graduate from the University of Toronto this spring, at convocation ceremonies taking place from Wednesday, June 2, to Friday, June 18. All ceremonies will be held in Convocation Hall, 31 King’s College Circle. The University will also confer 11 honorary degrees, recognizing extraordinary achievements in community, national and international service. Acclaimed Canadian novelist Lawrence Hill, Reform Party founder Preston Manning and former Deputy Prime Minister John Manley are among this year’s…
UofT hosts event to show solidarity with Haiti
TORONTO, ON – In response to the unprecedented earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010, the University of Toronto will host a special event entitled “A Public Observance in Solidarity with the People of Haiti” on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 12 p.m. The event will be held at the Great Hall, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle. The event represents an opportunity for the U of T community to reflect on the terrible impact of the earthquake and to show…
University Of Toronto heats showers from the sun
TORONTO, ON - The University of Toronto's Athletic Centre boasts a new feature its members don't yet know about but are already using: showers heated by the sun. In late 2009, the university installed 100 solar collector panels on the roof of the Athletic Centre, located at Harbord Street and Spadina Avenue. The installation, which became operational on Tuesday, is currently the biggest initiative of its kind in the GTA and the largest known system at a Canadian university. The…
Carl Kohler’s authorportraits on display at U of T
TORONTO, ON – Portraits of famous authors in oil and ink by the late Carl Köhler (1919 – 2006) are currently on display at the Robarts Library, University of Toronto. The art of this Swedish artist and sculptor, which was inspired by art and literature, features James Joyce, Brendan Behan, Samuel Beckett, Jean Cocteau, Günter Grass, Henry Miller, Franz Kafka, Joyce Carol Oates, Virginia Woolf and others. “Each face possesses a certain exaggeration … Perhaps, I look for a specific…
When work interferes with life: Study reveals new insights about a common stressor.
TORONTO, ON – As many as 50 per cent of people bring their work home with them regularly, according to new research out of the University of Toronto that describes the stress associated with work-life balance and the factors that predict it. Researchers measured the extent to which work was interfering with personal time using data from a national survey of 1,800 American workers. Sociology professor Scott Schieman (UofT) and his coauthors Melissa Milkie (University of Maryland) and PhD student…
Time of day matters to thirsty trees, U of T researchers discover
TORONTO, ON - The time of day matters to forest trees dealing with drought, according to a new paper produced by a research team led by Professor Malcolm Campbell, University of Toronto Scarborough's vice-principal for research and colleagues in the department of cell and systems biology at the St. George campus. Capitalizing on their previous work to decode the genome of the poplar tree, the research team examined how poplar trees use their 45,000 genes to respond to drought. Campbell…
U of T launches innovative workshops in environmental finance
TORONTO, ON - A new global economy is emerging to address the challenges of climate change. Everyone from touring rock and roll bands to the gas and oil industry are purchasing carbon offsets in a bid to reduce their carbon footprint. U of T's Centre for Environment is helping businesses and investors adapt and adopt innovative ideas in environmental risk management through a series of Environmental Finance Workshops. The latest offering in the series is on carbon finance and explores…
How Does This Grab You? New U Of T Mississauga Study Identifies First Ancestor With A ‘Grasping Hand’
TORONTO, ON - Elongated fingers, an opposable "thumb", and a grasping tail--a new fossil study by researchers at the University of Toronto Mississauga suggests that a small plant-eating mammal relative is the oldest known tree-climbing vertebrate. The tree-climbing lifestyle of Suminia getmanovi, a Paleozoic animal that lived 260 million years ago, is particularly important because it gave this small herbivore the first access to new food resources high off the ground, and also provided protection from ground-dwelling predators. The evidence…