Media Releases

Below is a selection of recent press releases. For all the latest news please visit

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May 5, 2010

U of T researchers crack “splicing code,” solve a mystery underlying biological complexity

TORONTO, ON – Researchers at the University of Toronto have discovered a fundamentally new view of how living cells use a limited number of genes to generate enormously complex organs such as the brain. In a paper published on May 6 in the journal Nature entitled “Deciphering the Splicing Code,” a research team led by Professors Brendan Frey and Benjamin Blencowe of the University of Toronto describes how a hidden code within DNA explains one of the central mysteries of…

May 5, 2010

U of T researchers crack “splicing code,” solve a mystery underlying biological complexity

TORONTO, ON – Researchers at the University of Toronto have discovered a fundamentally new view of how living cells use a limited number of genes to generate enormously complex organs such as the brain. In a paper published on May 6 in the journal Nature entitled “Deciphering the Splicing Code,” a research team led by Professors Brendan Frey and Benjamin Blencowe of the University of Toronto describes how a hidden code within DNA explains one of the central mysteries of…

May 4, 2010

OMNI-focus video camera to revolutionize industry

TORONTO, ON – University of Toronto, a world-leading research university, announces a breakthrough development in video camera design. The Omni-focus Video Camera, based on an entirely new distance-mapping principle, delivers automatic real-time focus of both near and far field images, simultaneously, in high resolution. This unprecedented capability can be broadly applied in industry, including manufacturing, medicine, defense, security -- and for the consumer market.  Inventor and principal investigator of the Omni-focus video camera, Professor Keigo Iizuka of The Edward S.…

April 29, 2010

UofT’s Munk School gets $25 million from federal government for new centre on global security

TORONTO, ON -- The University of Toronto will receive $25 million from the federal government to create a new centre to study issues of global security, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced today. The Canada Centre for Global Security Studies will be established immediately at UofT’s new Munk School of Global Affairs. Areas of interdisciplinary study will include the intersection between global security and cyber espionage, global health, and region-specific concerns, such as the Arctic, post-Soviet Europe, the new Asian powers,…

April 29, 2010

Third annual Science Rendezvous event comes to UofT

TORONTO, ON – Exciting attractions, cutting edge science and fun activities for the whole family – all for free – highlight the third annual Science Rendezvous at UofT event on Saturday May 8, 2010.  The focal point for the event is the Science Carnival, a street festival of science taking place on St. George Street, between College and Wilcocks streets, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Some of the attractions at the Carnival include:  The Incredible Goldberg Machine: The most…

April 28, 2010

iSchool Institute launched at U of T’s Faculty of Information

TORONTO, ON - Digital information, the Internet, and information technology have radically altered the way we create, use, and communicate information. These changes have impacted every aspect of our society. The University of Toronto's Faculty of Information, a leader in research and education in information, is pleased to announce the launch of the iSchool Institute. This initiative will enable us to engage with a wider community of professionals and the broader public outside of academia. "We launched this new Institute…

April 28, 2010

8th Annual Global Health Conference planned for UofT

TORONTO, ON – On Tuesday May 4, 2010, the University of Toronto will host the 8th annual Global Health Conference. This year’s theme of the conference is “Social Responsibility: Global Health Perspectives.” Leaders in the global health field will meet to share their expertise and commitment as global citizens determined to improve the world for current and future global generations. Some of the topics that will be discussed at the conference include: Canada’s role in global health; “incorporating” social responsibility; and, advocacy…

April 26, 2010

Human brain recognizes and reacts to race

TORONTO, ON - The human brain fires differently when dealing with people outside of one's own race, according to new research out of the University of Toronto Scarborough. This research, conducted by social neuroscientists at UofT Scarborough, explored the sensitivity of the "mirror-neuron-system" to race and ethnicity. The researchers had study participants view a series of videos while hooked up to electroencephalogram (EEG) machines. The participants - all white - watched simple videos in which men of different races picked…

April 20, 2010

Online goal-setting raises university grades

TORONTO, ON – Online goal-setting helps struggling university students raise their grades and stay in school, according to new psychology research from the University of Toronto and St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center.  “Twenty-five per cent of university students who enrol in four-year university programs never graduate,” says study lead Dominique Morisano. “This is unacceptable, given the expense and importance of a university education.”  Jordan Peterson and Jacob Hirsh of the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto and Morisano of…

April 19, 2010

New technology will mean shift for internet advertising

TORONTO, ON – Placing internet ads on websites will be easier and more profitable in the future thanks to a new technology developed at the University of Toronto that allows ads to be resized to fit any available website space. Internet ads are currently only available in three or four specific sizes, meaning websites must be designed around the ads. The size restrictions greatly limit ad placement options and affect the way ads look on devices such as the iPhone…