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Displaying 1041-1060 of 1340 results
Psychologists find link between ovulation and women’s ability to identify heterosexual men
TORONTO, ON – A new study by psychologists at the University of Toronto and Tufts University shows that a woman can more accurately identify a man’s sexual orientation when looking at his face when she is closest to her time of peak ovulation. Further, having romantic thoughts or a mating goal heightens a woman’s ability […]
Rotman NeXus links business minds with social missions
TORONTO, ON — For the seventh year, a new team of MBA students from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management who are ready to “link business minds with social missions” have started work at Rotman NeXus. Rotman NeXus offers consulting services to non-profit organizations with the goal of maximizing an organizations’ social impact. With […]
3D coming to a galaxy near you
TORONTO, ON — Astronomers usually only see flat versions of the real galaxies in the Universe, as pictures projected on their computer screens. But researchers in the international collaboration ATLAS3D have used a clever trick to figure out what 260 galaxies do in the third dimension missing from their images. They added motion to the […]
International conference at U of T promotes global knowledge sharing to cure disease
TORONTO, ON — “Models of Human Diseases” is an ambitious initiative started by two University of Toronto researchers, Drs. Lorelei and Rosalind Silverman. The project aims to accelerate the drug discovery process by improving communication between academic research groups, physicians, pharmaceutical companies, and patient advocacy groups. It is a new and growing forum for global […]
U of T graduate student wins award for paper on Russian ‘mail-order brides’
TORONTO, ON – Tackling the stereotyped concept of ‘mail-order brides’ and international marriage broker agencies (IMB), Alex Rowlson has been awarded the 2011 Canadian Women’s Studies Graduate Student Paper Award for his paper “Negotiated Nupitals: A Transnational Analysis of the International Marriage Broker Industry and the Russian ‘Mail-Order Bride.’ ” “I wanted to show the many […]
Celebrating 150 years of University of Toronto football
TORONTO – The Friends of Varsity Blues Football and the Faculty of Physical Education and Health will celebrate 150 years of football at the University of Toronto with a gala fundraiser on November 9, 2011. The Varsity Leadership Foundation Dinner will take place in the Great Hall at historic Hart House, on the University of […]
U of T’s medical contributions to be featured on new $100 bills
TORONTO, ON – The University of Toronto’s historic contribution to the discovery of insulin for diabetes is one of the high-profile innovations being featured on the new Bank of Canada polymer bank notes being issued this fall. The $100 note will be issued in time for the 90th anniversary of the discovery of insulin by […]
Stem cell network and commercialization centre position Toronto at the forefront of regenerative medicine
TORONTO, ON — In 1961, the University of Toronto’s own Jim Till and Ernest McCulloch (MD 4T8) broke ground when they published evidence proving the existence of stem cells in scientific journal Radiation Research. Fifty years later, U of T proved it is once again ahead of the curve by hosting the launch of two […]
Scarborough’s services at stake
SCARBOROUGH, ON – In a city already sharply divided and with the probability of austerity budgets by all levels of government, neighbourhoods in Toronto’s inner suburbs have a lot to lose, according to a new University of Toronto report. The past thirty years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of low-income neighbourhoods in […]
Potential genetic cause of severe sleep disorder discovered, implications for Parkinson’s disease research
TORONTO, ON – Researchers at the University of Toronto are the first to indentify a potential cause for a severe sleep disorder that has been closely linked to Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. “Our research is the first to establish a potential genetic link to human REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD). That’s important because […]
University of Toronto Student participates in prestigious internship program in Poland
New York, NY – University of Toronto student Lindsay Macumber is one of 10 graduate students and Ph.D. candidates chosen by the Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation (AJCF) to participate in the Center’s Auschwitz Jewish Center Fellows Program. This powerful, three-week program held in Oświęcim (Auschwitz), Poland fosters academic and personal growth and community activism as […]
Report on importance of infrastructure in Scarborough to be released
TORONTO, ON – A University of Toronto report highlighting the need for investment in social infrastructure in Scarborough will be presented at a community forum this Thursday, June 16 at 6 p.m. The forum will be held at Scarborough Civic Centre Council Chambers at 150 Borough Dr. in Scarborough. The report, Toronto’s inner suburbs: Investing […]
Rotman MBAs take on entrepreneurial management consulting venture for the 39th year
TORONTO, ON – For the thirty-ninth consecutive year, five MBA students from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management will work together to solve complex business problems for clients of the Impact Consulting Group. Each partner brings their own professional experience and industry knowledge to client work and can tackle a range of consulting […]
TiE Global announces partnership with University of Toronto and MaRS Discovery District
TORONTO, ON — TiE Global is very pleased to announce a partnership of TiE Catalyst, its first Global Virtual Chapter, with the prestigious University of Toronto and the leading innovation centre MaRS Discovery District, located in Toronto. This partnership will provide a forum to entrepreneurs worldwide for strategic exploration of emerging new frontiers at the […]
World’s leading education institutes to convene, collaborate at OISE, U of T next week
TORONTO, ON — The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE) will host 10 world-renowned education institutions as part of the International Alliance of Leading Education Institutes’ (IALEI) annual meeting and conference next Wednesday, June 15, 2011. IAELI’s work addresses important educational themes, providing leadership for educational development around the […]
Pioneering Program in Business Design™ for Executives offered at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management
TORONTO, ON – A new program which aims to foster and develop innovation by combining the best of a strategy and innovation lab and an internationally recognized provider of executive education will launch later this year in Toronto. Rotman DesignWorks and Rotman Executive Programs, both at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, have […]
McLuhan100 presents the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology Monday night seminar on “The Edge of Academe” at Net Change Week
TORONTO, ON — Well-known media theorist and University of Toronto Professor, Marshall McLuhan, taught in the much celebrated University of Toronto Coach House on the boundary of the University—physically, intellectually, and organizationally. During this centenary of his birth, society might ask how can we renew the space on the edge—and explore the boundaries where monoliths […]
Global Anniversary of AIDS indicates need for renewed public engagement in Canada
TORONTO, ON – Every eight hours, a Canadian contracts HIV. To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the first diagnosis of AIDS on June 5, 2011, the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR) partnered with the Social Research Centre (SRC) at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and national polling firm Strategic Counsel to gauge […]
Global anniversary of AIDS indicates need for renewed public engagement in Canada
TORONTO, ON – Every eight hours, a Canadian contracts HIV. To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the first diagnosis of AIDS on June 5, 2011, the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR) partnered with the Social Research Centre (SRC) at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and national polling firm Strategic Counsel to gauge […]
U of T scientist leads international team in quantum physics first
TORONTO, ON — Quantum mechanics is famous for saying that a tree falling in a forest when there’s no one there doesn’t make a sound. Quantum mechanics also says that if anyone is listening, it interferes with and changes the tree. And so the famous paradox: how can we know reality if we cannot measure […]