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Displaying 841-860 of 1340 results
Happy face tattoo does serious work
TORONTO, ON — A medical sensor that attaches to the skin like a temporary tattoo could make it easier for doctors to detect metabolic problems in patients and for coaches to fine-tune athletes’ training routines. And the entire sensor comes in a thin, flexible package shaped like a smiley face. “We wanted a design that could […]
Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress releases Eleventh Annual Report.
TORONTO, ON — As the recession recedes, the Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress calls on all Ontarians to build on the province’s strengths and make the decisions and investments needed to achieve the 2020 Prosperity Agenda. The Task Force singles out the “dead cash” on the balance sheets of Ontario businesses as an […]
U of T study: Children in full-day kindergarten still ahead
TORONTO, ON – Two years after implementing full-day early learning/kindergarten (FDELK) in Peel Region schools, a University of Toronto study has found that FDELK children were ahead of their peers who attended half-day kindergarten in subjects such as vocabulary, early literacy, number knowledge and parent ratings of their child’s readiness for elementary school. The study is […]
U of T experts, Toronto city planner to discuss active school travel
TORONTO, ON – Research consistently shows that Canada’s children are becoming increasingly sedentary and yet with the health of our next generation in jeopardy, one of the easiest and most accessible forms of physical activity – the walk to school – is still being passed over by most parents. On December 5, hear from experts […]
“Fountain of Youth” technique rejuvenates aging stem cells
TORONTO, ON — A new method of growing cardiac tissue is teaching old stem cells new tricks. The discovery, which transforms aged stem cells into cells that function like much younger ones, may one day enable scientists to grow cardiac patches for damaged or diseased hearts from a patient’s own stem cells—no matter what age the […]
U of T engineers awarded $2.2 million grant for toilet research
TORONTO, ON — A University of Toronto engineering team has received a major grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to continue work on designing for a waterless, hygienic toilet that is safe and affordable for people in the developing world. The Gates Foundation awarded the grant, worth $2.2 million for 15 months, to U of T […]
Being in the Public Service — Then and Now presentation
TORONTO, ON — “Being in the Public Service: Then and Now” is the third in the Governance in Toronto series presented by Cities Centre at the University of Toronto. Each event in the series pairs presentations by a practitioner and an academic, and allows generous time for audience-led questions, discussion and debate following the presentations. […]
University of Toronto launches new heritage website
TORONTO, ON — Film footage of the 1939 Royal visit to Hart House and early photographs of Marshall McLuhan and Margaret Atwood are just a handful of the audio-visual treasures captured in a new University of Toronto website that documents the rich history of the institution. “A great library is really about preserving the record […]
Umbilical cord cells outperform bone marrow cells
TORONTO, ON — When repairing damage from a heart attack, an injection of cells derived from human umbilical cord tissue is better than one of cells derived from bone marrow, University of Toronto researchers say. Most stem cell therapies use cells harvested from bone marrow to stimulate tissue repair and control inflammation. But a new […]
Anti-hypertensive drugs linked to increased risk of hip fracture
TORONTO, ON — Elderly people taking anti-hypertensive drugs are at a 43 per cent increased risk of having a hip fracture in the first 45 days of treatment, according to research conducted by family medicine Assistant Professor Dr. Debra Butt. A member of the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto […]
From Student to Entrepreneur: U of T’s Cynthia Goh and Ajay Agrawal address Board of Trade on economic value of training entrepreneurs
TORONTO, ON – Toronto is internationally recognized as a world-leading hub of entrepreneurship and start-up businesses. With an extraordinary talent pool, globally significant industry clusters, and excellent post-secondary institutions located in the Toronto metropolitan region, Toronto offers a rich environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. Our region’s next great challenge is to build on this momentum […]
Government of Canada celebrates the national historic significance of the Grey Cup
TORONTO, ON — The Honourable Peter Van Loan, Member of Parliament for York-Simcoe and Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, will participate in a ceremony to highlight the national historic significance of the Grey Cup. Minister Van Loan will take part in this event on behalf of the Honourable Peter Kent, Canada’s Environment Minister and Minister responsible for […]
Middle Income Access to Justice book launch will be celebrated Nov. 21, 2012, with a Town Hall moderated by the Toronto Star’s Ellen Roseman
The Faculty of Law is pleased to celebrate the book launch of Middle Income Access to Justice (Michael Trebilcock, Anthony Duggan and Lorne Sossin, eds.) with a Town Hall on November 21, 2012, moderated by consumer advocate, reporter and blogger Ellen Roseman of the Toronto Star The discussion will centre on the latest issues and developments […]
Archaeologists identify spear tips used in hunting a half-million years ago
TORONTO, ON – A University of Toronto-led team of anthropologists has found evidence that human ancestors used stone-tipped weapons for hunting 500,000 years ago – 200,000 years earlier than previously thought. “This changes the way we think about early human adaptations and capacities before the origin of our own species,” says Jayne Wilkins, a PhD […]
Virtual reality could spot real-world impairments
TORONTO, ON — A virtual reality test being developed at UTSC might do a better job than pencil-and-paper tests of predicting whether a cognitive impairment will have real-world consequences. The test developed by Konstantine Zakzanis, associate professor of psychology, and colleagues, uses a computer-game-like virtual world and asks volunteers to navigate their ways through tasks […]
Want better employees? Get somebody else to rate their personalities, suggests new study.
TORONTO, ON – Businesses will get more accurate assessments of potential and current employees if they do away with self-rated personality tests and ask those being assessed to find someone else to rate them, suggest results from a new study. Previous job performance studies have shown that outsiders are best at rating an individual’s personality […]
U of T jazz orchestra launches season with new director Gordon Foote
TORONTO, ON – After 26 years teaching in the Jazz Studies Program at McGill University directing the award winning and internationally known McGill Jazz Orchestra, Gordon Foote has accepted a position as director of the U of T Jazz Orchestra, in the Faculty of Music, at the U of T. He will debut as director […]
U of T evolutionary biologist to give public talk on Peruvian killer ants at Toronto Public Library
TORONTO, ON — Megan Frederickson, University of Toronto Assistant Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, will give a free public talk about cooperation among ants in the Peruvian rainforest. The talk is part of an ongoing series of free public lectures featuring scientists from the University of Toronto. There are several other public lectures coming […]
U of T unveils new TechnoLABS to support and train aspiring technopreneurs
TORONTO, ON — The University of Toronto launched its TechnoLABS space today, part of a growing ecosystem at the U of T that offers support and training for student and recent alumni who are leading and building companies based on technological innovations. “TechnoLABS is a space dedicated to a new generation of student entrepreneurs with […]
U of T’s Institute for Optical Sciences to unveil TechnoLABS at symposium featuring successful alumni entrepreneurs
TORONTO, ON — The University of Toronto’s Institute for Optical Sciences (IOS) will host an afternoon symposium to launch TechnoLABS. Located in the Banting and Best Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the new space is part of a growing ecosystem at U of T that offers support and training for students and recent alumni who are building companies based on technological […]