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Displaying 741-760 of 1340 results

April 26, 2013

Celebrating 50 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and Korea

TORONTO, ON – On Sat­ur­day, April 27th, 2013, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to will be host­ing a full-day con­fer­ence to cel­e­brate the 50th anniver­sary of diplo­mat­ic rela­tions between Korea and Cana­da. Enti­tled “The Past, Present and Future of Kore­an-Cana­di­an Rela­tions: Cel­e­brat­ing the 50th Anniver­sary of Diplo­mat­ic Rela­tions between Korea & Cana­da,” this con­fer­ence will fea­ture a […]

April 25, 2013

Two U of T projects receive $1 million each for bioinformatics research

TORONTO, ON – Two U of T research projects have won $1 mil­lion each in fund­ing from the Gov­ern­ment of Cana­da through Genome Cana­da and the Ontario Genomics Insti­tute.  The Genome Cana­da 2012 Bioin­for­mat­ics and Com­pu­ta­tion­al Biol­o­gy com­pe­ti­tion, a part­ner­ship with the Cana­di­an Insti­tutes of Health Research, sup­ports the devel­op­ment of the next gen­er­a­tion of tools […]

April 24, 2013

U of T selects architects for new Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship

TORONTO, ON – The Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to has cho­sen Toron­­to-based Mont­gomery Sisam Archi­tects (MSA) and U.K.-based Feilden Clegg Bradley Stu­dios as the archi­tects for the new Cen­tre for Engi­neer­ing Inno­va­tion and Entre­pre­neur­ship (CEIE). The CEIE will serve as the hub of U of T Engineering’s col­lab­o­ra­tive learn­ing and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research, hous­ing inter­ac­tive spaces for learn­ing […]

April 24, 2013

Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies announces 2013 award recipients Stephen Lewis, Dan Savage, and Bent On Change

TORONTO, ON — The Mark S. Bon­ham Cen­tre for Sex­u­al Diver­si­ty Stud­ies at Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege, Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to, is pleased to announce the recip­i­ents of its 2013 Bon­ham Cen­tre Awards, in recog­ni­tion of dis­tin­guished con­tri­bu­tion to the pub­lic under­stand­ing of sex­u­al diver­si­ty in Cana­da: Stephen Lewis, for­mer Cana­di­an politi­cian, diplo­mat, broad­cast­er, edu­ca­tor, and human­i­tar­i­an not­ed […]

April 24, 2013

Rotman School of Management awarded “Site of the Year” in the education sector

TORONTO, ON – The Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Rot­man School of Man­age­ment has been award­ed a Sitecore Site of the Year award for its new­ly revamped web pres­ence. “Our new web­site reflects the design-focused think­ing and com­mit­ment to inno­va­tion that has made Rot­man one of the world’s best busi­ness schools for years,” said Pym Buiten­huis, Direc­tor […]

April 24, 2013

“Manulife: Entry Into Asia Challenge” finalists announced

TORONTO, ON – Man­ulife Finan­cial is pleased to announce the teams named as final­ists in its Man­ulife: Entry into Asia Chal­lenge. A dis­tin­guished pan­el of inde­pen­dent judges reviewed 46 entries, sub­mit­ted by teams of uni­ver­si­ty busi­ness school stu­dents from across Cana­da, and has select­ed the sev­en teams of final­ists. The sev­en teams will now present […]

April 18, 2013

Air, land and water robots to be featured during NCFRN field trials at UTIAS/York U

TORONTO, ON – The NSERC Cana­di­an Field Robot­ics Net­work (NCFRN) will be host­ing a robot­ics field tri­als media day on Mon­day, April 22 at York Uni­ver­si­ty and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Insti­tute for Aero­space Stud­ies (UTIAS). NCFRN, a net­work span­ning eight uni­ver­si­ties and 14 part­ner orga­ni­za­tions, brings togeth­er aca­d­e­m­ic, gov­ern­ment and indus­tri­al researchers in the […]

April 18, 2013

World expert on impact of children’s pre-school education to give talk at OISE

TORONTO, ON — The lead researcher of the largest-ever study on the impact of pre-school edu­ca­tion on chil­dren will give a free pub­lic lec­ture at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to. For the past 16 years, Dr. Edward Mel­huish has researched pre-school expe­ri­ences on the devel­op­ment of 4,000 chil­dren in the UK and North­ern Ire­land. He reg­u­lar­ly […]

April 18, 2013

U of T and The Mastercard Foundation to develop next-generation African leaders

TORONTO, ON – The Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to will join The Mas­ter­Card Foun­da­tion Schol­ars Pro­gram, with a USD $22.5 mil­lion grant announced today by The Mas­ter­Card Foun­da­tion.  The grant is part of a $75 mil­lion announce­ment, which brings three Cana­di­an insti­tu­tions into The Mas­ter­Card Foun­da­tion Schol­ars Pro­gram – a glob­al edu­ca­tion ini­tia­tive to edu­cate and devel­op […]

April 18, 2013

Delvinia and Munk School of Global Affairs partner to study eDemocracy

TORONTO, ON – Delvinia, a lead­ing dig­i­tal strat­e­gy and cus­tomer expe­ri­ence design firm, and the Inno­va­tion Pol­i­cy Lab at the Munk School of Glob­al Affairs in the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to are pleased to announce a part­ner­ship to study eDemoc­ra­cy and the impact of tech­nol­o­gy on cit­i­zen engage­ment in Cana­da. Delvinia has exten­sive expe­ri­ence work­ing with […]

April 17, 2013

Scientists produce best image yet of atoms moving in real time

TORONTO, ON – Call it the ulti­mate nature doc­u­men­tary. Sci­en­tists at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to have record­ed atom­ic motions in real time, offer­ing a glimpse into the very essence of chem­istry and biol­o­gy at the atom­ic lev­el. Their record­ing is a direct obser­va­tion of a tran­si­tion state in which atoms under­go chem­i­cal trans­for­ma­tion into new […]

April 12, 2013

WorldPride Human Rights Conference 2014 to take place at U of T

TORONTO, ON — The Mark S. Bon­ham Cen­tre for Sex­u­al Diver­si­ty Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to and Pride Toron­to are thrilled to announce their part­ner­ship to present The World­Pride Human Rights Con­fer­ence 2014. Tak­ing place June 25 — 27, 2014 in the heart of down­town Toron­to, Cana­da, The World­Pride Human Rights Con­fer­ence 2014 pro­vides a unique […]

April 12, 2013

U of T engineering students offer solutions to Toronto’s challenges

TORONTO, ON – Bet­ter san­i­ta­tion for Toronto’s food carts, improved TTC emer­gency sys­tems and reduced injuries for con­struc­tion road crews are just some of the goals that first-year U of T Engi­neer­ing stu­dents have set for them­selves. The stu­dents will be shar­ing their ideas in a day-long show­case of design solu­tions and the entire city […]

April 11, 2013

Income gaps have widened in Greater Montréal, report finds

TORONTO, ON — Income dis­par­i­ties between Mon­tréal-area neigh­bour­hoods have increased in the past three decades, though not as dra­mat­i­cal­ly as in Toron­to and Van­cou­ver, a new report shows. While most Greater Mon­tréal neigh­bour­hoods remain mid­­dle-income, their share slipped from 64% to 55% between 1970 and 2005, the report finds. On the Island of Mon­tréal, the share of low-income neigh­bour­hoods grew from 22% to […]

April 9, 2013

Olympic gender inequalities persist: Report

TORONTO, ON – The 2012 Lon­don Olympics marked the first time in his­to­ry that women were rep­re­sent­ed in every sport and that all of the 204 par­tic­i­pat­ing coun­tries includ­ed female ath­letes. IOC pres­i­dent Jacques Rogge called it “a major boost for gen­der equal­i­ty.” Yet, male ath­letes still had more events to par­tic­i­pate in and medals […]

April 9, 2013

Rotman professor elected to leadership of Academy of Management

TORONTO, ON – A senior pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Rot­man School of Man­age­ment has been elect­ed to the gov­er­nance rota­tion of the Acad­e­my of Man­age­ment, which with more than 18,000 mem­bers in 110 coun­tries, is the largest orga­ni­za­tion in the world devot­ed to man­age­ment research and teach­ing. Ani­ta McGa­han, who is Asso­ciate Dean […]

April 8, 2013

Vic One: Celebrating 10 Years of Innovation in Education

TORONTO, ON — Join Vic­to­ria Col­lege in the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to as it cel­e­brates the first decade of suc­cess of the pre­mier Vic One pro­gram with alum­ni, cur­rent stu­dents and fac­ul­ty from the pro­gram. Vic One is cred­it­ed with trans­form­ing the first-year, under­grad­u­ate expe­ri­ence at Vic­to­ria Col­lege in the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to. The first of […]

April 8, 2013

Super-computing partnership celebrates first anniversary

TORONTO, ON – A $210 mil­lion invest­ment. An R&D ini­tia­tive to cre­ate more than 100 new, high­ly skilled jobs for Ontario. Sev­en lead­ing Ontario uni­ver­si­ties sup­port­ed by an IBM tech­nol­o­gy back­bone that includes the fastest super­com­put­er in Cana­da and advanced ana­lyt­ics, agile and cloud tech­nolo­gies.  Aca­d­e­mics paired with IBM researchers to accel­er­ate com­mer­cial­iza­tion out of […]

April 4, 2013

University of Toronto-led study provides new insight into photosynthesis

TORONTO, ON – Pig­ments found in plants and pur­ple bac­te­ria employed to pro­vide pro­tec­tion from sun dam­age do more than just that. Researchers from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to and Uni­ver­si­ty of Glas­gow have found that they also help to har­vest light ener­gy dur­ing pho­to­syn­the­sis. Carotenoids, the same pig­ments which give orange col­or to car­rots and […]

April 3, 2013

Dick Peltier awarded Killam Prize

TORONTO, ON – Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to physi­cist Dick Pelti­er is the win­ner of one of five 2013 Kil­lam Prizes, giv­en in hon­our of his career achieve­ment in sci­ence. The $100,000 prize from the Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts rec­og­nizes his pio­neer­ing schol­ar­ship, which has shaped our under­stand­ing of Earth’s inter­con­nect­ed systems—and of the threat we […]