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Displaying 701-720 of 1340 results
Martin Prosperity Institute to develop study that examines Toronto Public Library’s economic impact on the city
TORONTO, ON – Toronto Public Library has commissioned the Martin Prosperity Institute at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, to develop a study that will determine the economic impact of Toronto Public Library on the City of Toronto. The study is being funded by the Toronto Public Library Foundation thanks to […]
U of T’s discovery of Insulin collections inscribed in the UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register
TORONTO, ON – In recognition of their global significance, the University of Toronto Libraries’ Discovery of Insulin collections were inscribed today into UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register. The announcement was made jointly by the institution and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO which implements the program in Canada. The collection includes original handwritten notes by […]
Get the first peek of B‑7, Blue Sky Solar Racing’s newest solar vehicle
TORONTO, ON — The Blue Sky Solar Racing team is unveiling its newest state-of-art solar car, B‑7, ready for the 3,000-kilometre race across the Australian outback. The University of Toronto based team will be heading Down Under this fall to compete in the 2013 World Solar Challenge, promoting sustainable transportation technologies. For the past 18 months, […]
Rotman NeXus serves non-profit organizations with consulting services
TORONTO, ON – Since 2005 non-profit organizations and social enterprises who require management consulting services have reached out to a team of four MBA students at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management who help these organizations maximize their social impact. Rotman NeXus offers affordable, fee-based consulting services to support a broad range of business […]
University of Toronto to proceed with back campus fields project
TORONTO, ON – The University of Toronto is very pleased that Toronto city councillors re-affirmed the city’s commitment to renewed fields on the university’s historic back campus. City council voted in favour of the University’s plan to proceed with the project, which will involve creating two artificial turf fields. The fields will provide a venue […]
Largest set of data on health behaviours by Canadian post-secondary students to be released at conference
TORONTO, ON – The largest amount of data ever collected on the health of Canadian post-secondary students will be released on Monday, June 17, by the Canadian Organization of University and College Health (COUCH). More than 30,000 students from 30-plus Canadian institutions responded to the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) survey. The data will be released […]
Self-fertilizing plants contribute to their own demise
TORONTO, ON – Many plants are self-fertilizing, meaning they act as both mother and father to their own seeds. This strategy – known as selfing – guarantees reproduction but, over time, leads to reduced diversity and the accumulation of harmful mutations. A new study published in the scientific journal Nature Genetics shows that these negative […]
Tracking drug-resistant tuberculosis in real-time
TORONTO, ON – Professor Frances Jamieson at the University of Toronto’s Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology (LMP), and Medical Microbiologist, Public Health Ontario, is leading the way in tracking potentially deadly outbreaks of tuberculosis (TB) with a powerful new Geographic Information System (GIS) application, known as Ontario Universal Typing – Tuberculosis (OUT-TB) Web. Not […]
Leaders and experts on the issues on the agenda at the 2013 G8 Lough Erne summit
BELFAST, IRELAND — The G8 Research Group is proud to announce the release of its latest publication published by Newsdesk Media — “The UK Summit: The G8 at Lough Erne 2013” with contributions from David Cameron, François Hollande, José Manuel Barroso, Barack Obama and Ellen Sirleaf Johnson as well as the OECD’s Angel Gurria, the ILO’s Guy […]
The University of Toronto to transform an iconic Toronto landmark into the new home of the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
TORONTO, ON — The University of Toronto unveiled its ambitious plans today to transform one of the most iconic sites in the city: One Spadina Crescent. The building project will renew the south-facing 19th century Gothic Revival building and build out the unrealized northern face of the circle with a stunning work of contemporary architecture. Designed […]
New research on the valuation of over-the-counter derivatives from University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management
TORONTO, ON — By some measures the over-the-counter derivatives business is the largest business in the world with over $600 trillion in transactions outstanding. This business plays a significant role in the profitability of global banking institutions. Before 2007, banks agreed on the value of most of these transactions, but since the financial crisis of […]
The Jackman Law Building breaks ground June 4, 2013
TORONTO, ON — Media are invited to attend the official groundbreaking of the state-of-the-art, $54-million Jackman Law Building at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law on June 4, 2013, at 4 pm. This spectacular new facility will house spacious, modern, environmentally friendly classrooms, offices and collaborative areas for Canada’s pre-eminent law school. Please join […]
University of Toronto honours extraordinary achievements at spring convocation
TORONTO, ON – More than 12,500 students will graduate from the University of Toronto at convocation ceremonies taking place from Tuesday, June 4 to Friday, June 21 in Convocation Hall, 31 King’s College Circle on the University’s downtown campus. More than 56,000 people are expected to visit the University during convocation and the largest ceremony – […]
Defining “Defined Ambition” pension plans tackled in the Spring journal from Rotman International Centre for Pension Management
TORONTO, ON – The pensions world is rewriting its narratives as the implications of the 21st Century realities of lower investment returns and aging populations continue to sink in. Defending traditional defined benefit plans at all cost is increasingly seen as fighting a rearguard action in a lost cause. The Spring 2013 issue of the […]
Event hall at University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management named in honour of Marcel A. Desautels
TORONTO, ON – A newly-opened event space at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management which has already hosted events with global leaders from the fields of management, politics and academics, has been named in honour of one of the School’s leading benefactors. The space will be known as Desautels Hall in honour of Dr. […]
Rotman teams take two of the three top spots in Manulife: Entry into Asia Challenge
TORONTO, ON – A team of students from the Morning MBA program at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management have won first prize in an international business plan competition while a second team of Rotman MBA students landed in third spot. The winners of The Manulife: Entry into Asia Challenge were announced Tuesday […]
Small, speedy plant-eater extends knowledge of dinosaur ecosystems
TORONTO, ON – Dinosaurs are often thought of as large, fierce animals, but new research highlights a previously overlooked diversity of small dinosaurs. In the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, a team of palaeontologists from the University of Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, Cleveland Museum of Natural History and University of Calgary have described a new dinosaur, […]
Why the Super Bowl’s location matters: Local ties still bind corporations in globalized era, says new study on philanthropy. Giving is also affected by natural disasters.
TORONTO, ON – If you’re a small charity looking for some corporate largesse, pegging your ask to a big morale-boosting event planned for your community may help seal the deal, suggests a new study on corporate giving. The paper found that corporate philanthropy spikes upward during “mega-events” such as the Olympics, the Super Bowl, or […]
Rotman team wins international entrepreneurship competition
TORONTO, ON – A team from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management has won the inaugural event of the MBA World Trophy held in Dublin over the past weekend. The event brought entrepreneurs from 17 different universities around the world to compete against each other with their start-up businesses in front of venture […]
New insights into how materials transfer heat could lead to improved electronics
TORONTO, ON – U of T Engineering researchers, working with colleagues from Carnegie Mellon University, have published new insights into how materials transfer heat, which could lead eventually to smaller, more powerful electronic devices. Integrated circuits and other electronic parts have been shrinking in size and growing in complexity and power for decades. But as circuits get smaller, it becomes more difficult to dissipate waste heat. For further advances to be made in electronics, researchers and industry need to […]