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Displaying 681-700 of 1340 results

July 24, 2013

The Siminovitch Prize in Theatre announces new partnerships with University of Toronto and RBC Foundation

TORONTO, ON – Today the Simi­novitch Prize in The­atre announced new part­ner­ships with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to and the RBC Foun­da­tion to sup­port Canada’s largest the­atre award, the 2013 Simi­novitch Prize in The­atre. The Simi­novitch Prize will be award­ed Octo­ber 21, 2013 at Hart House The­atre at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to, orga­niz­ers announced today. “Over […]

July 24, 2013

Male guppies ensure successful mating with genital claws

TORONTO, ON – Some males will go to great lengths to pur­sue a female and take extreme mea­sures to hold on once they find one that inter­ests them, even if that affec­tion is unre­quit­ed. New research from evo­lu­tion­ary biol­o­gists at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to shows that the male gup­py grows claws on its gen­i­tals to […]

July 22, 2013

Vaccinating boys plays key role in HPV prevention

TORONTO, ON – Improv­ing vac­ci­na­tion rates against the human papil­lo­mavirus (HPV) in boys aged 11 to 21 is key to pro­tect­ing both men and women, says new research from Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Pro­fes­sor Peter A. New­man from the Fac­­tor-Inwen­­tash Fac­ul­ty of Social Work. HPV has been linked to anal, penile and cer­tain types of throat […]

July 17, 2013

University of Toronto statement

Recent­ly, charges were laid against Pro­fes­sor Ben­jamin Levin of the Ontario Insti­tute for Stud­ies in Edu­ca­tion (OISE). The charges against Pro­fes­sor Levin are extreme­ly seri­ous.  The Uni­ver­si­ty under­stands that an indi­vid­ual is inno­cent until proven guilty. In this case the grav­i­ty of the charges in rela­tion to the mis­sion of OISE is such that Pro­fes­sor […]

July 16, 2013

Spectacular failures, new opportunities to be expected from equity crowdfunding, says Rotman paper aimed at U.S. policymakers

TORONTO, ON — Equi­ty crowd­fund­ing is not yet legal, but when it is, experts say to expect a peri­od of “chaos” before those involved learn how to make the most of its ben­e­fits and min­i­mize its risks. “There’s no ques­tion that there will be fraud and that some investors will lose mon­ey, but that’s true […]

July 15, 2013

New Rotman-University of Toronto Press book collects the best on Design Thinking

TORONTO, ON – Over the past decade, Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Rot­man School of Man­age­ment and its award-win­n­ing pub­li­ca­tion, Rot­man mag­a­zine, have emerged as lead­ers in the field of design think­ing. Pro­fes­sor Roger Mar­tin and mag­a­zine edi­tor Karen Chris­tensen have gath­ered the magazine’s most cel­e­brat­ed arti­cles about design think­ing and busi­ness design in a hand­some new […]

July 11, 2013

Exploring gender dimensions of treatment programmes for neglected tropical diseases in Uganda

TORONTO, ON — Males and females face dif­fer­ent chal­lenges in access­ing treat­ment for neglect­ed trop­i­cal dis­eases (NTDs), accord­ing to a new study from researchers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Dal­la Lana School of Pub­lic Health, Ugan­da Min­istry of Health and Impe­r­i­al Col­lege Lon­don. The study, to be pub­lished by PLOS Neglect­ed Trop­i­cal Dis­eases on July […]

July 11, 2013

U of T engineering grads make aeronautical history

TORONTO, ON – An aero­space team with strong U of T Engi­neer­ing con­nec­tions has made his­to­ry by win­ning the $250,000 AHS Igor I. Siko­rsky Human-Pow­ered Heli­copter Prize, for the first-ever sus­tained flight of a human-pow­ered heli­copter. The Amer­i­can Heli­copter Asso­ci­a­tion, which estab­lished the Prize in 1980, has con­firmed that AeroV­elo Inc., found­ed by U of […]

July 10, 2013

U of T‑led study cracks universal RNA code, suggests a new cause for autism

TORONTO, ON — An inter­na­tion­al team led by Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to sci­en­tists Tim­o­thy Hugh­es and Quaid Mor­ris has unrav­eled most of a code that con­trols how DNA becomes the pro­teins that make up cells, a process called gene expres­sion and, in the process, uncov­ered a pos­si­ble cause of autism The dis­cov­ery cracks the “RNA con­trol […]

July 8, 2013

University of Toronto statement

TORONTO, ON — The Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to learned this morn­ing that Pro­fes­sor Ben­jamin Levin has been arrest­ed and charged with very seri­ous offences. Pro­fes­sor Levin is a tenured fac­ul­ty mem­ber in the Depart­ment of Lead­er­ship, High­er and Adult Edu­ca­tion at the Ontario Insti­tute for Stud­ies in Edu­ca­tion (OISE). The Uni­ver­si­ty takes these charges seri­ous­ly and […]

July 8, 2013

Rotman professor receives fellowship to study employee stock ownership

TORONTO, ON – An assis­tant pro­fes­sor of account­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Rot­man School of Man­age­ment has received the Accu­rate Equi­ty Fel­low­ship for 2013 – 2014. Over the next year, Prof. Francesco Bova will assess the caus­es and effects of vari­a­tions in equi­­ty-based com­pen­sa­tion across inter­na­tion­al employ­ees of U.S. multi­na­tion­als. The Fel­low­ship was estab­lished […]

July 4, 2013

Bob Rae joins the University of Toronto

TORONTO, ON — The Hon­ourable Bob Rae has joined the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to as a Dis­tin­guished Senior Fel­low at the School of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy and Gov­er­nance (SPPG), effec­tive July 1. “Obvi­ous­ly Bob Rae brings an incred­i­ble wealth of pol­i­cy exper­tise and expe­ri­ence in pub­lic ser­vice,” said Mark Sta­bile, direc­tor of the SPPG. “This is a […]

July 3, 2013

Rotman Professor named to the Order of Canada

TORONTO, ON – David Beat­ty, an adjunct pro­fes­sor of strate­gic man­age­ment, at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Rot­man School of Man­age­ment has been named as a mem­ber of the Order of Cana­da. The announce­ment was made by the office of the Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al of Cana­da last Fri­day. Prof. Beat­ty was cit­ed for his con­tri­bu­tions to the […]

June 30, 2013

A genomic atlas of gene switches in plants provides a roadmap for crop research

TORONTO, ON — What allows cer­tain plants to sur­vive freez­ing and thrive in the Cana­di­an cli­mate, while oth­ers are sen­si­tive to the slight­est drop in tem­per­a­ture? Those that flour­ish acti­vate spe­cif­ic genes at just the right time — but the way gene acti­va­tion is con­trolled remains poor­ly under­stood. A major step for­ward in under­stand­ing this process lies in a genom­ic map pro­duced by an […]

June 27, 2013

David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights selects John Norris as Constitutional-Litigator-in-Residence

TORONTO, ON — The Fac­ul­ty of Law’s David Asper Cen­tre for Con­sti­tu­tion­al Rights is pleased to announce that dis­tin­guished crim­i­nal defence and civ­il rights advo­cate John Nor­ris is the Asper Centre’s Con­sti­­tu­­tion­al-Lit­i­­ga­­tor-in-Res­i­­dence for fall 2013. Nor­ris, a Toron­­to-based crim­i­nal defence lawyer, will teach con­sti­tu­tion­al advo­ca­cy in the Asper Cen­tre clin­ic. Draw­ing upon his exten­sive expe­ri­ence […]

June 25, 2013

University of Toronto receives a $30 million commitment from Heart and Stroke Foundation

TORONTO, ON — The Heart and Stroke Foun­da­tion has announced a $300 mil­lion ini­tia­tive to sup­port cut­t­ing-edge heart and stroke research at lead­ing health insti­tu­tions across the coun­try. The fund­ing ini­tia­tive is the largest research com­mit­ment in the organization’s 60-year his­to­ry. It will accel­er­ate the progress of the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s goal of reduc­ing […]

June 24, 2013

Can Frankenstein and a baby’s heartbeat unlock the mystery of stem cells?

TORONTO, ON – A new method of matur­ing human heart cells that sim­u­lates the nat­ur­al growth envi­ron­ment of heart cells while apply­ing elec­tri­cal puls­es to mim­ic the heart rate of fetal humans has led researchers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to to an elec­tri­fy­ing step for­ward for car­diac research. The dis­cov­ery, announced this week in the sci­en­tif­ic jour­nal […]

June 21, 2013

Rotman School of Management’s MBA programs waive GMAT requirement for applicants with CFA level 3 standing

TORONTO, ON – In a first for a lead­ing glob­al busi­ness school, the Full-Time and Part-Time MBA pro­grams at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Rot­man School of Man­age­ment have waived the GMAT test require­ment for appli­cants who have passed all 3 lev­els of the CFA pro­gram. It is only the lat­est in a series of inno­va­tions […]

June 20, 2013

Action plan for sustainable capitalism tackled at Rotman International Centre for Pension Management and Generation Foundation workshop

TORONTO, ON – For two days ear­li­er this month over 80 board mem­bers, senior exec­u­tives and invest­ment pro­fes­sion­als from 40 pen­sion orga­ni­za­tions in 12 dif­fer­ent coun­tries gath­ered at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Rot­man School of Man­age­ment. The pur­pose was to exam­ine and dis­cuss five action steps invest­ment insti­tu­tions could take for the good of their own […]

June 19, 2013

New program in executive leadership at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management

TORONTO, ON – Offered by Canada’s lead­ing provider of exec­u­tive edu­ca­tion, a new pro­gram on Exec­u­tive Lead­er­ship from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Rot­man School of Man­age­ment aims to help par­tic­i­pants gain insights, knowl­edge and tools to become more effec­tive lead­ers. While the pro­gram pro­vides five days of inten­sive in-class learn­ing, it is designed to be […]