Media Releases

How men are unable to cope with the agony of arthritis: Those with the condition are nearly TWICE as likely to commit suicide

June 17, 2016

Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to research found that one in 26 arthrit­ic men had attempt­ed sui­cide com­pared to one in 50 non-arthrit­ic men, in a study of over 21,000 peo­ple. Female suf­fer­ers were also more like­ly to attempt sui­cide than those who did not have arthri­tis — 5.3 per cent attempt­ing com­pared to 3.2 per cent respec­tive­ly. The study also found that arthrit­ic adults who had suf­fered child­hood abuse from par­ents were three times more like­ly to attempt sui­cide than arthrit­ic adults who had not. Read more.