Media Releases

A Corruption Culture?

May 12, 2016

From ques­tion­able polit­i­cal fundrais­ing to the cor­rup­tion inves­ti­gat­ed in the Char­bon­neau Com­mis­sion; from for­eign offi­cials tak­ing bribes to gov­ern­ment lead­ers hid­ing funds in off­shore bank accounts — it seems that a lot of peo­ple could be on the take. Ani­ta Anand, a law pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to, talk­ing about her opin­ion on the ques­tion: Is the world mired in a cul­ture of cor­rup­tion? Watch here.