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U of T event to raise awareness about water
TORONTO, ON – As the University of Toronto implements a ban on the sale and distribution of bottled water this fall, students, faculty and staff are invited to take part in a day of events designed to raise awareness about water and water consumption. The “On Tap Launch” will take place on Thursday, September 15, […]
Canada’s largest university goes bottled-water free
TORONTO, ON – As the academic year begins, bottled water will no longer be available at the majority of locations on the University of Toronto’s St. George campus. Over a three-year period, sales of bottled water at U of T Mississauga and U of T Scarborough will also be phased out. The University of Toronto […]
U of T launches course on Sex in the City
TORONTO, ON – A new course devoted to Sex in the City will immerse first-year students in Toronto’s rich sexual history as well as the current state of sexual politics, sexualized spaces and more. In addition to lectures by guest speakers, students will tour key Toronto locations to learn more about historic moments such as […]
Astronomers find extreme weather on an alien world
TORONTO, ON – A University of Toronto-led team of astronomers has observed extreme brightness changes on a nearby brown dwarf that may indicate a storm grander than any seen yet on a planet. Because old brown dwarfs and giant planets have similar atmospheres, this finding could shed new light on weather phenomena of extra-solar planets. […]
Bigger is better in pension funds, Rotman researchers find
TORONTO, ON — The health of the pension system is front page news in countries around the world with an ongoing debate on required contribution rates or minimum retirement ages. An equally relevant issue is how efficiently savings invested in pension funds are managed. A paper written by two professors at the University of Toronto’s […]
Ten years later: Top minds to contemplate the impact of 9/11
TORONTO, ON – The Munk School of Global Affairs and the Centre for the Study of the United States at the University of Toronto will mark the 10-year anniversary of September 11th by providing an opportunity to contemplate the impact of the day’s events and their longer-range importance. Brief reflections by ten of Canada’s and […]
New book from U of T on the importance of narrative as a management skill
TORONTO, ON – A new book from a professor at the University of Toronto examining the importance of narrative for public servants has recently been published. Governing Fables: Learning from Public Sector Narratives is authored by UofT Professor Sandford Borins. The book advocates the importance of narrative for public servants, exemplifies it with a rigorously […]
Misunderstanding surrounds HIV vaccine trials
TORONTO, ON – Better communication is needed around HIV vaccine trials to ensure those in at-risk communities understand the process and continue to participate, according to a new University of Toronto study. The study – published in the September edition of the American Journal of Public Health – centred around a major international HIV vaccine […]
Great dreams from long ago: OISE appoints special advisor to the dean on aboriginal education
TORONTO, ON — The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE) announced the appointment of Dr. Suzanne L. Stewart of the Yellowknife Dene First Nation as OISE’s first Special Advisor to the Dean on Aboriginal Education today. OISE is a leader in aboriginal education and among the first Canadian faculties […]
Gay + black = likable: U of T study suggests sexual orientation unconsciously affects our impressions of others
TORONTO, ON – Studies by psychologists at the University of Toronto reveal that when it comes to white men, being straight may make you more likable but in the case of black men, gays have a likeability edge. In one study, 22 women and nine men viewed 104 photos of straight and gay black and […]
Digital microfluidics opening the way for revolution in blood sampling
TORONTO, ON – The days of the blood sample routine – arm out, tie tube, make a fist, find a vein, and tap in – may soon be over, thanks to a new analysis method developed at U of T by Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME) core professor Aaron Wheeler in which only […]
Back-to-school 2011: Key dates
TORONTO, ON – The official countdown to back to school has begun. This September, U of T’s three campuses will come alive as new and returning students participate in orientation activities, attend their first day of classes and move into residence. Here are a few important dates to remember: BACK-TO-SCHOOL START DATES: August 22, 2011 […]
Discovery by U of T researchers could create retinas from “Jello”
TORONTO, ON — Researchers at the University of Toronto have developed a new method for creating 3D hydrogel scaffolds that will aid in the development of new tissue and organs grown in a lab. The discovery is outlined in the latest issue of Nature Materials. Hydrogels, a “jello” like substance, are highly flexible and absorbent […]
The 9/11 Effect: Comparative Counter-Terrorism by Prof. Kent Roach available Sept. 1 by Cambridge University Press
TORONTO, ON — University of Toronto law professor Kent Roach takes a hard-hitting look at the failures of global anti-terrorism policies over the last 10 years in his latest book The 9/11 Effect: Comparative Counter-Terrorism, to be released Sept. 1, 2011 by Cambridge University Press in New York. In the follow up to his previously […]
Rotman School faculty and students honoured at Academy of Management Conference
TORONTO, ON – Eight faculty members and students from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management were honoured at the Academy of Management conference held earlier this month in San Antonio, TX. Prof. Joel Baum, who is associate dean, faculty, at the Rotman School, received the Distinguished Scholar Award from the Academy’s Organization and […]
Diet That Combines Cholesterol-Lowering Foods Results in Greater Decrease in LDL Than Low-Saturated Fat Diet
CHICAGO, IL – Persons with high cholesterol who received counseling regarding a diet that combined cholesterol-lowering foods such as soy protein, nuts and plant sterols over 6 months experienced a greater reduction in their low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL‑C) levels than individuals who received advice on a low-saturated fat diet, according to a study in the […]
No need to nag: study finds doctors’ nutrition advice hits home early
TORONTO, ON — Hearing dietary advice twice is enough for patients to get the significant benefits of lower cholesterol, according to a new study led by doctors at St. Michael’s Hospital and theUniversity ofToronto. “We’re seeing more and more people want to take their health into their own hands,” said Dr. David Jenkins, the lead […]
Anti-aging techniques not yet viewed as acceptable U of T research shows
TORONTO, ON – Studies from the University of Toronto’s psychology department show that people who use more invasive anti-aging methods such as Botox injections or surgery are viewed more negatively than those who use milder techniques such as sun-avoidance and facial creams and younger adults are more negative about using anti-aging methods than older adults. […]
Better mattresses improve care, cut hospital costs: U of T study
TORONTO, ON —Hospitals could reduce health care costs arising from pressure ulcers, commonly known as bedsores, by investing in pressure-reduction mattresses for elderly patients in emergency departments, according to new research from the University of Toronto. In emergency departments (EDs), elderly patients are at high risk for pressure ulcers in part because they spend hours […]
Want to improve employee engagement? Make it part of the performance management process
TORONTO, ON – The performance management process should evaluate and focus on employee engagement in addition to job performance, according to a paper published from the University of Toronto and University of Guelph. Engagement involves high levels of identification with one’s work in terms of attention, absorption and feeling integrated in the performance of one’s […]