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Displaying 901-920 of 1340 results
Rotman School improves in Financial Times ranking of MBA programs
TORONTO, ON – In the annual ranking of global MBA programs from the Financial Times, the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management rose two positions to place 44th globally, and 20th in North America, up three spots. The school was also ranked 10th for the research produced by faculty and 15th for its PhD […]
U of T and Western sign agreement with Access Copyright
TORONTO, ON — The University of Toronto and Western University today announced that they have each reached an agreement with Access Copyright to allow their communities to reproduce copyright-protected materials in both print and digital formats. “We believe that this agreement is fair for all the parties – those who create the materials, as well […]
Dean’s Awards for Excellence in Research and Teaching awarded to Rotman faculty
TORONTO, ON – Three faculty members at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management have been named the recipients of the 2011 Dean’s Awards for Excellence in Research and Teaching. The purpose of the awards is to annually recognize and encourage excellence in the research and teaching activities of Rotman faculty members. Mara Lederman, […]
Rotman School opens its doors for programs Open House
TORONTO, ON – The doors will be wide open at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management for an Open House on February 4 giving prospective candidates for Rotman programs a chance to sit in on sample classes, speak with current students, staff and alumni, and learn about Integrative Thinking, the school’s innovative approach […]
U of T experts to shed light on new border deal
TORONTO, ON — A group of leading University of Toronto experts in Canada-US relations will provide insight into the proposed border agreement between the two nations at Beyond the Border, a panel event taking place at University College on February 1 at 5:00 p.m. The new deal on bilateral trade and security has been called […]
Ancient dinosaur nursery oldest nesting site yet found
Toronto, ON — An excavation at a site in South Africa has unearthed the 190-million-year-old dinosaur nesting site of the prosauropod dinosaur Massospondylus—revealing significant clues about the evolution of complex reproductive behaviour in early dinosaurs. The newly unearthed dinosaur nesting ground predates previously known nesting sites by 100 million years, according to study authors. A […]
Top industrial researcher joins University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies to support research on reducing environmental impact of aviation
TORONTO, ON – Dr. Sam Sampath, who has more than 35 years of experience conducting research and development toward reducing the environmental impact of aviation, has joined the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS). On January 24, Sampath will be formally named the NSERC/ P&WC Industrial Research Chair in Aviation Gas Turbine Combustion/Emissions […]
Whose city? Gentrification, inequaility, and the future of Toronto
TORONTO, ON – The fourth lecture in the popular Toronto in Question Lecture Series hosted by UofT’s Cities Centre will focus on the extremely uneven changes in housing and land costs in Toronto’s neighbourhoods. The event will take place on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, […]
University of Toronto/Royal Ontario Museum scientists discover unusual “tulip” creature
TORONTO, ON — A bizarre creature that lived in the ocean more than 500 million years ago has emerged from the famous Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale in the Canadian Rockies. Officially named Siphusauctum gregarium, fossils reveal a tulip-shaped creature that is about the length of a dinner knife (approximately 20 centimetres) and has a unique filter […]
Pro athletes bolster star status through team selection, teammates and career evolution: Study
Toronto / Vancouver — Basketball fans in Cleveland may disagree, but two-time NBA Most Valuable Player Lebron James’ decision to play with a higher-profile Miami Heat team and all-star teammates shows sound marketing and career-management acumen, according to newly-published business school research focused on the evolution and importance of star status for today’s professional athletes. […]
Vampire literature course lets students get a good look at the myth
TORONTO, ON – The primary focus of the class might not be on Twilight, Buffy the Vampire Slayer or The Vampire Diaries, but the resurging popularity of vampires has certainly helped stimulate interest in the first-year German studies course Our Vampires, Ourselves. “It’s a fascinating subject,” says Erol Boran, the German department’s associate chair of […]
Molly Shoichet wins Society for Biomaterials Clemson Award
TORONTO, ON — The Society for Biomaterials, a professional society that promotes advances in biomedical materials research and development, has named IBBME core professor Molly Shoichet the recipient of this year’s Clemson Award for Contributions to the Literature. This award recognizes significant contributions to the literature on the science or technology of biomaterials. Dr. Shoichet […]
Human rights, religion and the law
TORONTO, ON – The wearing of face coverings, the question of whether “Good Friday” at Easter should still be a statutory holiday, and prayers in the school cafeteria over the lunch hour are all questions of religious accommodation in civil society. Beginning January 11, the University of Toronto and the Ontario Human Rights Commission are […]
International study tours help Rotman MBAs gain insight into the global economy
TORONTO, ON – Two groups of MBA students from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto will be kicking off the New Year by exploring the opportunities and challenges of doing business in the global economy. One group will be exploring the still emerging economy of China while the second will be […]
2011 Steacie Prize awarded for nanotechnology-enabled disease diagnosis
Toronto, Ontario – Professor Shana Kelley of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy is the winner of the 2011 Steacie Prize, marking the third consecutive year that a University of Toronto professor has received this prestigious award. “It’s wonderful and at the same time humbling to get this type of recognition – which is really […]
World science community abuzz as latest Higgs boson results announced
TORONTO, ON – The international team of researchers that has been smashing high-energy protons together inside the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to re-create the conditions at the time of the Big Bang announced new evidence today pointing to an observation of the Higgs boson. The Higgs boson is a hypothetical massive elementary particle that is […]
U of T student named Ontario Rhodes Scholar
TORONTO, ON – Steven Wang, a graduate of Trinity College at the University of Toronto, has been named an Ontario Rhodes Scholar for 2012. Wang is one of 11 Canadians to earn one of the world’s most celebrated academic honours. Established in 1903, the prestigious and highly competitive scholarship comes with a stipend and tuition […]
Major announcement re: Higgs Boson
TORONTO, ON – An international team of researchers that has been smashing high-energy protons together inside the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to re-create the conditions at the time of the Big Bang are expected to announce new results on December 13 in Geneva regarding their search for the Higgs boson particle. The Higgs boson is […]
Canada’s early entrepreneurs profiled in new book
TORONTO, ON – From the Aboriginal chief who controlled the early Maritime fur trade to pioneering female saloon owners who made their mark during the gold rush, a fascinating new book profiles the entrepreneurs who shaped Canadian history. “Canada’s Entrepreneurs: From the Fur Trade to the 1929 Stock Market Crash” contains 61 biographical portraits of […]
Ancient meat-loving predators survived for 35 million years
TORONTO, ON — A species of ancient predator with saw-like teeth, sleek bodies and a voracious appetite for meat survived a major extinction at a time when the distant relatives of mammals ruled the earth. A detailed description of a fossil that scientists identify as a varanopid “pelycosaur” is published in the December issue of […]