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Displaying 761-780 of 1340 results
Choosing less a form of protection says new study on decision-making
TORONTO, ON – Imagine you have a choice to make. In one scenario, you’d get $8 and somebody else — a stranger – would get $8 too. In the other, you’d get $10; the stranger would get $12. Economists typically assume you’d go for the $10/$12 option because of the belief that people try to maximize […]
Scientists find government justification of new environmental policy unfounded
TORONTO, ON – Recent efforts by the Canadian government to curb the time allowed for environmental reviews over fears of adverse impact on economic development are misguided and unnecessary, according to research by scientists at the University of Toronto. Instead, the federal government’s tinkering will only weaken environmental protection and not expedite economic growth. The […]
Heather Munroe-Blum and David Naylor in conversation with Robert Prichard at the Canadian Club of Toronto
TORONTO, ON – McGill Principal Heather Munroe-Blum and University of Toronto President David Naylor will join in conversation with Robert Prichard, President Emeritus of the University of Toronto, as they share their thoughts on what Canadian universities need to do to succeed in the 21st century. The event will be held on April 5 at […]
Researchers at UofT’s Rotman School of Management publish guide to nudging
TORONTO, ON – A new guide from a team of behaviour economists at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management aims to help practitioners develop effective nudges. Drawing on research on this area of behaviour economics, the guide demonstrates how nudging influences behaviour by changing the way choices are presented in the environment. “This […]
Men benefit more than women from having authority on the job
TORONTO, ON — Having more authority in the workplace comes with many rewards – including greater forms of job control and higher earnings. However, according to new research out of the University of Toronto, the benefits are not evenly distributed for women and men. Sociologist Scott Schieman, lead author of the study, found key differences […]
‘No such thing as a duplicate’: University of Toronto acquires annotated copy of Vesalius’s great anatomical book
TORONTO, ON – A 1555 copy of Andreas Vesalius’ De humani corporis fabrica with the author’s own extensive hand-written notes and corrections, is being made available for study at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto. The book in question was acquired by a private collector at auction in Germany and […]
Rotman professor named as Bank of Canada Fellowship Award winner
TORONTO, ON– A finance professor from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management has been named as the recipient of the Bank of Canada’s Fellowship Award for 2013. This year’s Award provides financial support for a five-year period from 2013 to 2017 to an academic who is recognized for their expertise and excellence in […]
University of Toronto Libraries and National Library of China partner in new agreement for academic cooperation
TORONTO, ON –Representatives from the University of Toronto Libraries and the National Library of China will sign an agreement for academic cooperation on Monday, March 25 at 11 am. The institutions, each of which holds the largest collection in its respective country, have been working together for several years to exchange materials, knowledge and best […]
First recipient of the Risa Goldberg Memorial Scholarship for Women in Capital Markets announced at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management
TORONTO, ON – The first Risa Goldberg Memorial Scholarship for Women in Capital Markets has been awarded to Jessica Schwarz, a first-year student in the full-time MBA program at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. Jessica began her MBA studies at Rotman after starting her career in wealth management in Lima, Peru. She […]
Rotman Business Design Challenge won by IIT
TORONTO, ON – For the second consecutive year a team of students from the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Institute of Design have won the Rotman Design Challenge. Hosted by the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management on March 2 and 3, the Challenge has emerged as the premier international competition for business and design students looking […]
Minuum to end battle between mobile screen space and keyboards
TORONTO, ON — Whirlscape Inc., a Canadian tech start-up, has developed Minuum, “the little keyboard for big fingers.” Minuum is a tiny, one-dimensional keyboard that frees up mobile screen space while allowing fast, accurate typing. Its specialized, patent-protected auto-correction algorithm corrects highly imprecise typing. This algorithm, based on the touchscreen and wearable device research of company founders, Will Walmsley (researcher) and […]
Leading authority on drug policy and the war on drugs to speak at the Munk School of Global Affairs
TORONTO, ON – Ethan Nadelmann will be featured at the Centre for Study of the United States at the Munk School giving a talk entitled, “The Rise and Fall of the Global Drug Prohibition Regime.” Ethan Nadelmann will address issues specific to Canada, as well as international matters such as: * Current […]
Playing action videogames improves visual search
TORONTO, ON — Researchers at the University of Toronto have shown that playing shooting or driving videogames, even for a relatively short time, improves the ability to search for a target hidden among irrelevant distractions in complex scenes. “Recent studies in different labs, including here at the University of Toronto, have shown that playing first-person shooter […]
Rise Asset Development launches operations in Ottawa through Causeway Work Centre
TORONTO/OTTAWA, ON — Since 2009, Rise Asset Development, with the support of the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), has provided microfinancing and mentorship to entrepreneurs with a history of mental health or addiction challenges in the Greater Toronto Area. On March 21, Rise is […]
Distant planetary system is a super-sized solar system
TORONTO, ON – A team of astronomers, including Quinn Konopacky of the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto, has made the most detailed examination yet of the atmosphere of a Jupiter-like planet beyond our Solar System. According to Konopacky, “We have been able to observe this planet in unprecedented detail because of […]
Children of divorced parents more likely to start smoking
TORONTO, ON – Both daughters and sons from divorced families are significantly more likely to initiate smoking in comparison to their peers from intact families, shows a new analysis of 19,000 Americans. This University of Toronto study, published online this month in the journal Public Health, shows that men who experienced parental divorce before they […]
U of T scientists map genome that causes Dutch Elm Disease
TORONTO, ON — Researchers from the University of Toronto and SickKids Research Institute announced today that they have successfully mapped the genes in the fungus that causes Dutch Elm Disease. The researchers believe this is the first time the 30 million DNA letters for the fungus Ophiostoma ulmi have been mapped. The findings, published in […]
Burgess shale worm provides crucial missing link
TORONTO, ON — Canada’s 505 million year-old Burgess Shale fossil beds, located in Yoho National Park, have yielded yet another major scientific discovery – this time with the unearthing of a strange phallus-shaped creature. A study to be published online in the journal Nature on March 13 confirms Spartobranchus tenuis is a member of the acorn worms group […]
U of T neural networks start-up acquired by Google
TORONTO, ON – Google has picked up a ground-breaking start-up out of the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. University Professor Geoffrey Hinton and two of his graduate students, Alex Krizhevsky and Ilya Sutskever, incorporated DNNresearch Inc. in 2012, and the company has been acquired by Google for its research on deep neural networks. […]
Rotman problem solving challenge offers full scholarship to MBA applicants
TORONTO, ON – A unique new competition has been launched by the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management which provides an opportunity for future Full Time MBA students to experience the School’s model based approach to problem solving and use Integrative Thinking to take a deep dive into a messy, unstructured real-world problem. The […]