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Displaying 661-680 of 1340 results

September 6, 2013

Rotman faculty shortlisted for Thinkers 50 awards

TORONTO, ON —Two fac­ul­ty mem­bers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Rot­man School of Man­age­ment have been short­list­ed for awards from Thinkers 50, the bi-annu­al glob­al rank­ing of man­age­ment thinkers while a third has been named among the top 50 named to the first edi­tion of the Thinkers 50 India rank­ing. Pro­fes­sor and for­mer Dean, Roger […]

September 5, 2013

University of Toronto statement

TORONTO, ON — Seri­ous charges have been laid against Dr. Andrew Payne, a Lec­tur­er at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to’s Fac­ul­ty of Archi­tec­ture, Land­scape and Design. The Uni­ver­si­ty acknowl­edges the pre­sump­tion of inno­cence until one is proven guilty. In view of the seri­ous­ness of the charges, by mutu­al agree­ment, Dr. Payne has ceased all teach­ing and […]

September 4, 2013

Health care management expert joins the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management

TORONTO, ON – A high­ly respect­ed expert in health care man­age­ment, Deb­bie Fis­ch­er, has joined the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to’s Rot­man School of Man­age­ment as an Exec­u­tive in Res­i­dence. Most recent­ly Exec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent, Strat­e­gy and Orga­ni­za­tion­al Devel­op­ment at Mount Sinai Hos­pi­tal in Toron­to, Fis­ch­er brings her exper­tise in health care man­age­ment to her new role […]

September 3, 2013

Nymi by Bionym launches using your unique heartbeat to unlock your world

TORONTO, ON – The next gen­er­a­tion of bio­met­ric tech­nol­o­gy launch­es today with the Nymi, from  Bionym, a tech­nol­o­gy start-up found­ed by Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to engi­neer­ing grad­u­ates. The Nymi is the world’s first wear­able authen­ti­ca­tion device that uses your unique heart­beat to unlock your iden­ti­ty. The con­ve­nient and secure authen­ti­ca­tion is enabled through an embed­ded elec­tro­car­dio­gram (ECG) sen­sor. […]

August 28, 2013

Keep stricter audit committee standards flexible, argues new study from the University of Toronto

TORONTO, ON — Inde­pen­dent, finan­­cial­­ly-lit­er­ate audit com­mit­tees lead to high­er firm val­ues and less diver­sion of resources by man­age­ment, shows a new study by researchers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to. But the paper, which looked at small com­pa­nies that vol­un­tar­i­ly adopt­ed stan­dards required of larg­er com­pa­nies, also says it’s impor­tant for reg­u­la­tors to stay flex­i­ble […]

August 26, 2013

University of Toronto Statement regarding Tarek Loubani and John Greyson

TORONTO, ON — Amidst the chaos and con­flict in Egypt over the last weeks, we have seen trag­ic loss of life and grow­ing uncer­tain­ty about the long-term prospects for a sta­ble democ­ra­cy in that nation.  This sit­u­a­tion has recent­ly come clos­er to home for those who work in Ontario’s uni­ver­si­ties.  In par­tic­u­lar, mem­bers of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to […]

August 23, 2013

U of T providing health information to number of students

TORONTO, ON — The Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to is reach­ing out to a num­ber of stu­dents to pro­vide them with health-relat­ed infor­ma­tion. Stu­dents who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the cours­es: PHE 325Y and PHE 225S from 2006 until 2012, PSL 372H from 2005 until 2011, and the Youth Sum­mer Pro­gram from 2008 until 2011 are being noti­fied via […]

August 20, 2013

University of Toronto: Back-to-school 2013

TORONTO, ON – This Sep­tem­ber, U of T’s three cam­pus­es will come alive as more than 80,000 stu­dents and 15,000 fac­ul­ty and staff descend on Canada’s pre­mier uni­ver­si­ty for the com­ing aca­d­e­m­ic year. To assist your news team in pro­duc­ing inter­est­ing, rel­e­vant and time­ly news sto­ries dur­ing back-to-school sea­son, U of T’s media rela­tions team will issue […]

August 19, 2013

Back-to-school 2013: Key dates

TORONTO, ON – The offi­cial count­down to back to school has begun. This Sep­tem­ber, U of T’s three cam­pus­es will come alive as new and return­ing stu­dents par­tic­i­pate in ori­en­ta­tion activ­i­ties, attend their first day of class­es and move into res­i­dence. Here are a few impor­tant dates to remem­ber: August 15 • UTSC Green Path […]

August 14, 2013

U of T Mississauga study highlights racial groups in TV ads

TORONTO, ON — White peo­ple are more like­ly to be rep­re­sent­ed, and in a pos­i­tive light, than Blacks or Asians in Cana­di­an tele­vi­sion adver­tise­ments, says a new study from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Mis­sis­sauga (UTM). “Pre­vi­ous stud­ies have looked at depic­tions of race in Cana­di­an media, but this is the first to focus on adver­tis­ing,” […]

August 14, 2013

People prefer products that help them ‘save face’ in embarrassing moments

TORONTO, ON — Peo­ple who are feel­ing embar­rassed are more like­ly to choose items that hide or ‘repair’ the face, accord­ing to new research pub­lished in Psy­cho­log­i­cal Sci­ence, a jour­nal of the Asso­ci­a­tion for Psy­cho­log­i­cal Sci­ence. The research indi­cates that feel­ings of embar­rass­ment can be alle­vi­at­ed by using so-called ‘restora­tive’ prod­ucts — effec­tive­ly help­ing peo­ple […]

August 13, 2013

Women who were physically abused during childhood more likely to be obese

TORONTO, ON – Women with a his­to­ry of child­hood phys­i­cal abuse are more like­ly to become obese adults, accord­ing to a new study by Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to researchers. Results indi­cate that women who were phys­i­cal­ly abused in child­hood were more like­ly to be obese than women from non-abu­­sive homes. “After adjust­ing for age and race, […]

August 12, 2013

New study redefines how plaques grow in heart disease

TORONTO, ON — The growth of dead­ly plaque inside the walls of arter­ies may not hap­pen as sci­en­tists believed, research from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to and Mass­a­chu­setts Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal has found. The research also sug­gests a new poten­tial tar­get in the treat­ment of ath­er­o­scle­ro­sis, a lead­ing cause of car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease and death glob­al­ly. The research […]

August 2, 2013

Bio-inspired design may lead to more energy efficient windows

TORONTO, ON – Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Engi­neer­ing pro­fes­sor Ben Hat­ton is turn­ing to nature to find a way to cut down on the ener­gy leaks from win­dows. In a recent arti­cle in Solar Ener­gy Mate­ri­als & Solar Cells, Hat­ton and his col­leagues at Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty describe a nov­el process to cut down on heat loss dur­ing the win­ter and keep build­ings […]

August 1, 2013

Childbirth: U of T professor’s grant could curb maternal death — with tea

In an effort to curb mater­nal and infant deaths in devel­op­ing coun­tries, a Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to pro­fes­sor has devel­oped a strat­e­gy to cure iron defi­cien­cy — using tea.

July 31, 2013

U of T library system again ranked in top three in North America

TORONTO, ON – The Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to has once again been ranked as one of the top three library sys­tems in North Amer­i­ca – after Har­vard and Yale – accord­ing to the Asso­ci­a­tion of Research Libraries (ARL) rank­ings. U of T was the only Cana­di­an uni­ver­si­ty in the top 10. “We are very proud to again […]

July 30, 2013

U of T awards prestigious quantum mechanics prize to pioneering physicists

TORONTO, ON — The Uni­ver­si­ty of Toronto’s Cen­tre for Quan­tum Infor­ma­tion and Quan­tum Con­trol has announced Michel Devoret and Robert Schoelkopf, both of Yale Uni­ver­si­ty, as win­ners of the pres­ti­gious John Stew­art Bell Prize for their enor­mous con­tri­bu­tions to the field of quan­tum mechan­ics. Quan­tum mechan­ics is the the­o­ry physi­cists believe describes every­thing in nature. Yet, with […]

July 30, 2013

Young Toronto community housing residents race to success at annual track and field meet

TORONTO, ON — Toron­to Com­mu­ni­ty Hous­ing, togeth­er with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to track and field pro­gram, is invit­ing 300 aspir­ing young track and field ath­letes to com­pete at the world-class Var­si­ty Cen­tre on July 31. At the ninth annu­al Search for the Stars event, Olympic Team Tri­al­ist Tania Archer will make a spe­cial address before […]

July 29, 2013

Childhood physical abuse linked to thyroid disorders in women

TORONTO, ON – Women who were vic­tims of child­hood phys­i­cal abuse are more like­ly to devel­op thy­roid con­di­tions than women who were not mal­treat­ed dur­ing child­hood, accord­ing to a new study from researchers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii. The study appears online in this week’s Jour­nal of Aggres­sion, Mal­treat­ment & Trau­ma. “We found […]

July 25, 2013

University of Toronto report says 3.9 million Canadians struggle to afford food

TORONTO, ON – A new report by researchers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to shows that almost four mil­lion Cana­di­ans are strug­gling to put the food they need on the table because of food inse­cu­ri­ty. The report, which exam­ined the state of food inse­cu­ri­ty in Cana­da, states that 3.9 mil­lion Cana­di­ans strug­gled to afford enough food in […]