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Displaying 621-640 of 1340 results
Institute for Competitiveness & Prosperity delivers a blueprint for smart taxation in Ontario
TORONTO, ON – Ontario has improved its tax system markedly in recent years by introducing the harmonized sales tax, phasing out the capital tax and lowering corporate tax rates. However, many changes can still be made that would benefit individuals, businesses and government. In Taxing for growth: A close look at tax policy in Ontario, […]
Employability of U of T graduates first in Canada and 14 in the world
TORONTO, ON — A high profile survey of the world’s universities that examines the employability of their graduates places the University of Toronto first in Canada and 14th in the world. The third annual Global Employability Survey, released October 28, used international executives and recruiters to create a profile of the ideal university graduate and […]
Institute for Competitiveness & Prosperity delivers a blueprint for smart taxation in Ontario
TORONTO, ON – Ontario has improved its tax system markedly in recent years by introducing the harmonized sales tax, phasing out the capital tax, and lowering corporate tax rates. However, many changes can still be made that would benefit individuals, businesses, and government. In Taxing for growth: A close look at tax policy in Ontario, […]
Moderate exercise not only treats, but prevents depression
TORONTO, ON – Physical activity is being increasingly recognized as an effective tool to treat depression. PhD candidate George Mammen’s review published in the October issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine has taken the connection one step further, finding that moderate exercise can actually prevent episodes of depression in the long term. This […]
“Nanotechnology .… Revolution or Evolution?” Leadership Panel
TORONTO, ON — A panel of nanotechnology experts, moderated by U of T Materials Science & Engineering Professor Doug Perovic will explore the possibilities of the technology as part of a celebration marking the University of Toronto’s Department of Materials Science & Engineering’s 100-year anniversary. Nanotechnology is the science of manipulating atoms and molecules on a scale so small they […]
Predicting the fate of stem cells
TORONTO, ON – University of Toronto researchers have developed a method that can rapidly screen human stem cells and better control what they will turn into. The technology could have potential use in regenerative medicine and drug development. Findings are published in this week’s issue of the journal Nature Methods. “The work allows for a […]
Centre to explore next frontier of planetary science
TORONTO, ON – The Centre for Planetary Science (CPS), an interdisciplinary, tri-campus centre dedicated to the study and exploration of planets both near and far was launched on October 18 at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). The CPS will be hosted within the Department of Physical and Environmental Science at UTSC and will complement research […]
Celebrating the world’s leading climate change tracker
TORONTO, ON — Scientists, government and industry partners are hosting a special media event on Tuesday, October 22 at the University of Toronto to celebrate a decade of success for Canada’s Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) SCISAT satellite mission. SCISAT was launched in 2003 by NASA. Two instruments on board measure more than 30 different molecules […]
Search Inside Yourself Leadership Training Program offered for the first time in Canada by the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management
TORONTO, ON – Search Inside Yourself, the renowned mindfulness and leadership training course that came from Google starts today for the first time in Canada to a sold out audience at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. This two-day course, which was developed and refined at Google, teaches leaders and employees how to […]
U of T ranked 8th in the world, 1st in Canada, for scientific performance
TORONTO, ON — The latest annual rankings on scientific performance places the University of Toronto eighth in the world and first in Canada. The rankings, released by the National Taiwan University (NTU), are based on indicators representing three different criteria of scientific performance: research productivity, research impact and research excellence. The U of T and […]
Natural selection enables purple loosestrife to invade northern Ontario
TORONTO, ON — University of Toronto research has found that purple loosestrife – an invasive species that competes with native plants for light and nutrients and can degrade habitats for wildlife – has evolved extremely rapidly, flowering about three weeks earlier as it has spread to northern Ontario. This has allowed populations of the species […]
University of Toronto research warns against Wi-Fi in cars
TORONTO, ON – Plans to provide high-speed Internet access in vehicles, announced last month by Canadian telecommunications company Rogers Communications and American provider Sprint Corporation, could do with some sobering second-thought, says a researcher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto. “Because of the potential for driver distraction, safety should be of […]
Recession’s after-effects could lead to cheating and workplace theft suggests new study
TORONTO, ON – We like to think we’d stick to our ethical principles no matter what. But when people feel financially deprived — as many did from losses suffered thanks to the last market and banking meltdown — they are more likely to relax their moral standards and transgress to improve their financial situation. They […]
Depression twice as likely in migraine sufferers
TORONTO, ON — The prevalence of depression among those with migraine is approximately twice as high as for those without the disease (men: 8.4% vs. 3.4%; women 12.4% vs. 5.7%), according to a new study published by University of Toronto researchers. In a paper published online this week in the journal Depression Research and Treatment, […]
University of Toronto law professor awarded notable $225,000 Trudeau Foundation Fellowship
TORONTO, ON – Professor Kent Roach, Wilson-Prichard Chair in Law and Public Policy at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, was awarded an esteemed Trudeau Foundation Fellowship today, worth $225,000, in recognition of his outstanding scholarly and pro bono contributions in constitutional, human rights and anti-terrorism issues. The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is an […]
Scientists shed light on the brain mechanisms behind a debilitating sleep disorder
TORONTO, ON — Normally muscles contract in order to support the body, but in a rare condition known as cataplexy the body’s muscles “fall asleep” and become involuntarily paralyzed. Cataplexy is incapacitating because it leaves the affected individual awake, but either fully or partially paralyzed. It is one of the bizarre symptoms of the sleep […]
Want ripples on your icicles? University of Toronto scientists suggest adding salt
TORONTO, ON – Though it’s barely the beginning of autumn, scientists at the University of Toronto are one step closer to explaining why winter’s icicles form with Michelin Man-like ripples on their elongated shapes. Experimental physicist Stephen Morris and PhD candidate Antony Szu-Han Chen were spurred to investigate by the ripples that appear around the […]
Environmental Science experts to teach and train in environmentally-friendly, sustainable building
TORONTO, ON — The University of Toronto Scarborough broke ground today (Oct. 8) on the technologically advanced Environmental Science and Chemistry Building (ESCB). Since the new building will be home to environmental sciences, UTSC is walking the talk: targeting LEED Gold certification with sustainable features that include geothermal boreholes, an Earth Tube system to supply 100 […]
Norton Rose Fulbright and U of T Law collaborate with Innovation Law Clinic
TORONTO, ON — Norton Rose Fulbright and the University of Toronto Faculty of Law (U of T Law) are pleased to announce their collaboration in the Innovation Law Clinic (ILC) at MaRS Discovery District. The ILC is a unique student clinic dedicated to providing high quality business and IP legal services to start up and early-stage businesses. Students’ […]
Precarious employment on the rise says new working paper from the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity
Toronto ON – Ontario’s economy, and its traditional economic stronghold in the Toronto region, are slowly returning to pre-recessionary levels of employment. Yet there has been growing concern about the kinds of jobs the economy is creating. The growing prevalence of “precarious employment” – jobs that are temporary, part-time, with few benefits and low wages […]