Media Releases

UofT — Welcome back-to-school 2010

July 26, 2010

TORONTO, ON – This Sep­tem­ber, UofT’s three cam­pus­es will come alive as more than 78,000 stu­dents and 15,000 fac­ul­ty and staff descend on Canada’s pre­mier uni­ver­si­ty for the com­ing aca­d­e­m­ic year.

To assist your news team in pro­duc­ing inter­est­ing, rel­e­vant and time­ly news sto­ries dur­ing back-to-school sea­son, UofT’s media rela­tions team will issue a series of edu­ca­tion-relat­ed press releas­es in com­ing days and weeks.

We will put the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion at your fin­ger­tips as you plot your back-to-school cov­er­age:

  • per­ti­nent UofT facts and fig­ures
  • rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion about school start dates, res­i­dence move-in dates and ori­en­ta­tion activ­i­ties
  • con­tact infor­ma­tion for UofT experts who can com­ment on a wide vari­ety of edu­ca­tion-relat­ed top­ics, from bul­ly­ing to stress to inclu­sive school­ing
  • fresh sto­ry ideas on hot new pro­grams, edu­ca­tion-relat­ed research and state-of-the-art teach­ing tools

Keep an eye out in the near future for our Back-to-School 2010 press releas­es and/or vis­it our web­site at for an archive of this year’s releas­es.

And remem­ber, the UofT media rela­tions team is avail­able 24/7 to help with your back-to-school ques­tions and cov­er­age. Con­tact us any time at 416–978-0100.

We look for­ward to work­ing with your news team dur­ing the 2010–2011 school year.


UofT Media Rela­tions Team