Media Releases
Unique think tank challenges corporate world to reach beyond what is legal for what is right
March 5, 2013
TORONTO, ON — The University of Toronto Faculty of Law’s Centre for the Legal Profession (CLP) today launches a unique initiative called The Program on Ethics in Law and Business.
This innovative program, the first of its kind in North America, will address contemporary ethical challenges at the intersection of law and business. It brings together key players to foster discussion and understanding about legal ethics and the corporation, including issues of an ethical nature that arise in complex corporate transactions.
“This program is fundamentally important to the development of our collective thinking on ethics at the intersection of law and business, and brings much needed attention to these pressing matters,” says Dean Mayo Moran. “It will fill a gap that currently exists in both the academy and society at large about these issues.”
Prof. Anita Anand is the academic director for this initiative. And the program’s advisory board is comprised of distinguished corporate and legal minds in this area, chaired by The Honourable Frank Iacobucci, senior counsel at Torys LLP, and a former dean of the Faculty of Law.
Today’s launch includes a panel discussion involving current case studies, at the Munk Centre, 1 Devonshire Place, from 4 pm to 7 pm featuring Prof. Anand, The Hon. Mr. Justice Michael Code of the Superior Court of Justice, Lawrence Ritchie of the Canadian Securities Transition Office, Julia Holland of Torys LLP, Jeremy Fraiberg of Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP and Alexander Dyck from the Rotman School of Management.
The Centre for the Legal Profession celebrates five years of advancing professionalism, ethics and public service throughout the legal profession. As a catalyst for dialogue, debate and action among the various groups within the legal community and the public, the CLP is a place for education, training, research, outreach and advocacy on these important issues.
For more information, contact:
Professor Anita Anand
Academic Director, Program on Ethics in Law and Business
Tel: 416–946-4002
Lucianna Ciccocioppo
Director, External Relations
Tel: 416–946-0334