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Faculty at U of T’s Rotman School of Management recognized for excellence in teaching and research
January 18, 2013
TORONTO, ON – Four faculty members at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management have been named the recipients of the 2012 Dean’s Awards for Excellence in Research and Teaching. The purpose of the awards is to annually recognize and encourage excellence in the research and teaching activities of Rotman faculty members.
Aparna Labroo, the Patricia C. Ellison Professor of Marketing, and Scott Liao, an assistant professor of accounting, are the joint winners of the Award for Excellence in Research. Stéphane Côté, a professor of organizational behaviour, and Richard Powers, a senior lecturer, are the joint winners of the Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Prof. Labroo’s research considers how emotions and ambient feelings impact judgment and decision-making, including their impact on consumer decision making, health-regulation and self-control and pro-social action. She is recipient of the Society for Consumer Psychology Early Career Award. She is currently is an Associate Editor for Journal of Consumer Psychology and serves on the editorial board of several journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of Retailing.
Prof Liao earned his PhD from the Ohio State University in 2008. His research interests include the agency problems in debt markets, banking regulation, and economic consequences of financial reporting and disclosure. He has published his papers in several premium journals including the Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review and Contemporary Accounting Research. His teaching is focused on financial accounting.
Prof. Côté, who also holds a cross-appointment in U of T’s Department of Psychology, teaches courses in the Rotman MBA and PhD programs. He serves as the PhD coordinator for the organizational behaviour and human resource management area. His research focuses on how emotional intelligence improves the performance of individuals and groups, and how social class shapes the prosocial and ethical behavior of individuals in social and organizational settings. In 2006, he was awarded the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research. He is Associate Editor of Emotion and serves on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Review and the Academy of Management Journal.
Richard Powers is the National Academic Director, Directors Education Program and Governance Essentials Program. A recipient of numerous teaching awards, his areas of expertise include corporate governance, ethics, business and corporate law and sports marketing. He teaches in the Rotman School’s Executive MBA, OMNIUM Global Executive MBA, MBA and Executive Education Programs.
The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto is redesigning business education for the 21st century with a curriculum based on Integrative Thinking. Located in the world’s most diverse city, the Rotman School fosters a new way to think that enables the design of creative business solutions. The School is currently raising $200 million to ensure Canada has the world-class business school it deserves. For more information, visit
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Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
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