Media Releases
World expert on impact of children’s pre-school education to give talk at OISE
April 18, 2013
TORONTO, ON — The lead researcher of the largest-ever study on the impact of pre-school education on children will give a free public lecture at the University of Toronto.
For the past 16 years, Dr. Edward Melhuish has researched pre-school experiences on the development of 4,000 children in the UK and Northern Ireland. He regularly meets with governments around the world to advise them on the types of programs that can improve children’s lives.
WHAT: Free public lecture by Dr. Edward Melhuish, Professor of Human Development at Birkbeck, University of London.
WHERE: Main Floor, Library of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education OISE), University of Toronto, 252 Bloor Street West. Map:
(Reception to follow the lecture on the 12th Floor, NEXUS lounge.)
WHEN: April 26, 3 pm to 4:30 pm
REGISTRATION: Space is limited. To register, e‑mail or call 416–978-8325. The lecture will be webcast at: (To log in, select “Enter as Guest” and then add a user name. The Connect Room will then launch. Viewers will be able to participate by typing questions in the chat window, which will be relayed to the event’s speakers.)
MORE INFORMATION: Dr. Melhuish’s study is available at:
Dr. Melhuish is on a five-province tour sponsored by the Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation. His Toronto appearance is a Connaught Global Challenge Fund Award Lecture hosted by the Fraser Mustard Institute for Human Development, with support from the Atkinson Centre, OISE, and the Atkinson Charitable, Lawson and Lyle S. Hallman Foundations.
For more information, contact:
U of T Media Relations
Tel: (416) 978‑8100