Media Releases
U of T to host environmental justice debate featuring former Toronto mayor and Environmental Philosophy professor
November 18, 2013
TORONTO, ON — David Miller, former Mayor of Toronto, and Ingrid Stefanovic, Professor of Environmental Philosophy at the University of Toronto, will initiate debate and discussion about justice in Toronto as it pertains to environmental challenges and issues. Among the questions to be discussed:
• Who should bear the costs of making the City environmentally sustainable?
• Are some residents in the City more affected by environmental degradation than others?
• Is there an unavoidable trade-off between urban environmentalism and economic growth?
• What are the specific environmental challenges to Toronto and how can they be met in an equitable way?
WHO: During his term as mayor, David Miller made environmental sustainability a priority, and he served as Chair of the C40 Cities Leadership Group. Ingrid Stefanovic was the Founding Director of the University of Toronto’s Centre for Environment.
WHEN: Thursday, November 21, 2013
TIME: 6:30–8:30pm
WHERE: FitzGerald Building, University of Toronto, 150 College Street, Room 103
Ticket information:
For more information, contact:
Richard Stren
Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Public Policy, University of Toronto
Cell: (416) 817‑1330