Media Releases
Revisiting Chinese Canadian communities
September 14, 2010
TORONTO, ON – Five distinguished scholars, including Senator Vivienne Poy, Professors David Lai, Eric Fong, Jack Leong and Joseph Wong, to engage in a panel discussion on Chinese Archways, the challenges of social integration and residential co-ethnic clustering of Chinese in Toronto, on Thursday, September 16, 2010 at the Richard Charles Lee Canada Hong Kong Library, at the University of Toronto.
1. Chinese Gateways in China and Canada
Dr. David Chuanyan Lai, Professor Emeritus of Geography at the University of Victoria, in B.C., is a prominent scholar on the geography of Chinatowns and redevelopment projects across North America. He notes that the free-standing “Chinese Arch” or gateway, has a particular function and construction in the establishment of a Chinatown and reflects the socio-cultural heritage of its people. “The Chinese Arch is not an arch architecturally, but instead is a free-standing gateway.” Explains Dr. Lai.
2. Residential Clustering of Chinese in Toronto
Dr. Eric Fong, Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto, talks about his study of immigrant clusters in co-ethnic neighbourhoods. He claims that co-ethnic preference is directly related to co-ethnic clustering of Chinese when income and resources are considered. With no relation to the economic resources of immigrants, levels of co-ethnic clustering are irrelevant.
3. Challenges of Social Integration for Chinese Immigrants
Dr. Jack Leong, the Director of the Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library, discusses his findings about the level of social cohesion of the Chinese immigrant community in Canada and their experience of discrimination and inequality, and how these challenges could be overcome in the context of a multicultural society.
Dr. Joseph Wong, Director of the Asian Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs.
Opening remarks by the Honourable Senator Vivienne Poy.
Book donation ceremony with Dr. David Chuanyan Lai and Ms Carole Moore, Chief Librarian of the University of Toronto.
Light refreshments.
WHAT: Panel discussion: Revisiting Chinese Canadian Communities
WHEN: Thursday, September 16, 2010 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
WHERE: Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library,
130 St. George Street, Rm. 8001
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Jack Leong