Media Releases

Munk School of Global Affairs to hold inaugural global dialogue on the future of Iran

May 9, 2013

TORONTO, ON – On May 10th and 11th, 2013, the Munk School of Glob­al Affairs will launch the inau­gur­al Glob­al Dia­logue on the Future of Iran (host­ed by the Munk School in Toron­to, with sup­port of the Depart­ment of For­eign Affairs and Inter­na­tion­al Trade Cana­da). This spe­cial event will bring togeth­er promi­nent Ira­ni­ans seek­ing to give voice to the diver­si­ty of views that should be heard dur­ing a demo­c­ra­t­ic elec­tion.

The two day inau­gur­al event will explore a num­ber of impor­tant themes:

  • The Iran­ian Econ­o­my: Pros­per­i­ty or Pover­ty?
  • Polit­i­cal Par­tic­i­pa­tion and the Obsta­cles to Free­dom in Iran
  • Defend­ing Rights, Diver­si­ty and Equal­i­ty for Women
  • Open Ses­sion: What’s on the Minds of our Online Glob­al Dia­logue Par­tic­i­pants? (Top­ics crowd-sourced from Ira­ni­ans inside and out­side Iran.)
  • Diplo­ma­cy with Iran – Escap­ing Iso­la­tion 

The Hon­ourable John Baird, Min­is­ter of For­eign Affairs and Inter­na­tion­al Trade, Gov­ern­ment of Cana­da, will open the dia­logue at 9:30 am EDT. 

Due to the vol­ume of par­tic­i­pants and observers attend­ing the event, the Munk School will not be able to accom­mo­date requests for on-site access for media or addi­tion­al par­tic­i­pants and observers. We deeply apol­o­gize for the incon­ve­nience and hope you can con­nect with us online using the chan­nels we describe below. The entire event will be broad­cast live and trans­lat­ed in Far­si and Eng­lish ensur­ing full access to the Glob­al Dialogue’s con­tent.

Offi­cial Site:

Social Media:

If you’re hav­ing any issues with access or band­width, we’ll be live post­ing to:


Where to Ask Ques­tions:

Online view­ers can pose ques­tions, or share ideas and top­ics for our crowd-sourced ses­sion on day two. View­ers can also vote on their favourites.
Google Mod­er­a­tor:

How to Watch:

Vis­it for links to the live video (or
