Media Releases

Impressive speaker roster to attract global city leaders to Toronto for inaugural summit

March 24, 2014

TORONTO, ON – The Glob­al City Indi­ca­tors Facil­i­ty is proud to present the inau­gur­al Glob­al Cities Sum­mit in Toron­to. The Sum­mit will con­vene glob­al lead­ers from the world’s cities, busi­ness­es, and uni­ver­si­ties, as well as plan­ning and design pro­fes­sion­als, and rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the UN and oth­er inter­na­tion­al agen­cies on May 15th and 16th in Toron­to, Cana­da.

The Sum­mit will be an oppor­tu­ni­ty for cities and their part­ners to learn, share, and exchange expe­ri­ences across a wide spec­trum of big ideas and inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for cities under the theme: Get­ting on Track: Sus­tain­able & Inclu­sive Pros­per­i­ty for Cities.

A pre­em­i­nent group of inter­na­tion­al speak­ers will con­vene in Toron­to to dis­cuss big ideas and inno­va­tions for cities. Speak­ers will be com­ing from cities around the world includ­ing New York, Bei­jing, Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Seat­tle, Chica­go, Ottawa, Gene­va, Paris, Nairo­bi, Johan­nes­burg, Eind­hoven, Cape Town, Nia­gara Falls, Ams­ter­dam, Tokyo, Milan, Los Ange­les, Rot­ter­dam, Makkah, Riyadh and Helsin­ki.

Ple­nary and pan­el ses­sions will focus on a num­ber of top­ics includ­ing: city data, ISO inter­na­tion­al stan­dards for cities, smart cities, urban resilience, mobil­i­ty, com­pet­i­tive­ness, gov­er­nance, and more.

For the full list of speak­ers and pan­elists, please see the attached PDF, or vis­it the Glob­al Cities Sum­mit web­site.

About the Glob­al City Indi­ca­tors Facil­i­ty:

The Glob­al Cities Sum­mit is pre­sent­ed by the Glob­al City Indi­ca­tors Facil­i­ty, in part­ner­ship with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to. Launched in 2008, the Glob­al Cities Indi­ca­tors Facil­i­ty (GCIF) responds to the urgent need for a glob­al­ly stan­dard­ized set of city indi­ca­tors. The GCIF hosts a net­work over 250 mem­ber cities across 81 coun­tries and pro­vides a glob­al­ly stan­dard­ized sys­tem for data col­lec­tion that allows for com­par­a­tive knowl­edge and learn­ing across cities glob­al­ly.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact:

Helen Ng
Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor
Glob­al City Indi­ca­tors Facil­i­ty
Tel: 416–966-2368

Rachel Gilmour
Tel: 416–593-7744