Media Releases

Former Toronto intern organizes events for Nelson Mandela Day 2011

July 15, 2011

TORONTO, ON ‑In recog­ni­tion of Nel­son Man­dela Inter­na­tion­al Day on Mon­day, July 18, recent Fac­ul­ty of Infor­ma­tion (iSchool), Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to grad­u­ate, Lind­say Chick, has orga­nized two vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties for July 16 and 17 in hon­our Mandela’s call for 67 min­utes of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice.

Nel­son Man­dela Inter­na­tion­al Day cel­e­brates Mandela’s 93rd birth­day. The premise is to give 67 min­utes of your time (or more!) to your com­mu­ni­ty because Nel­son Man­dela gave 67 years of his life to his com­mu­ni­ty and the world. Madi­ba (Man­de­la’s clan name) prefers that peo­ple serve their com­mu­ni­ty rather than donate mon­ey. He urges par­tic­i­pa­tion in com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice projects to encour­age dia­logue. Man­dela Day is a nation­al hol­i­day in South Africa and is rec­og­nized by the Unit­ed Nations.

Ms Chick’s moti­va­tion in orga­niz­ing these events that that each sum­mer, the iSchool sends one stu­dent intern to the Nel­son Man­dela Foun­da­tion’s Cen­tre of Mem­o­ry in Johan­nes­burg, South Africa. Last sum­mer, Ms Chick helped orga­nize Mandela’s archives, and the impact of her time inspired her to keep giv­ing. “Cel­e­brat­ing Nel­son Man­dela Day in Toron­to can help to fur­ther con­nect the stu­dent com­mu­ni­ty with the lega­cy and char­i­ta­ble work of Nel­son Man­dela, gives back to the city of Toron­to, and strengths our com­mit­ment to vol­un­teerism,” says Ms Chick.


July 16 (Sat­ur­day) : Cen­tral Neigh­bor­hood House­’s World of Neigh­bors Event @ Allen Gar­dens Park (Gerrard/Sherbourne) (
Time: 12:00–7pm
Descrip­tion of Ser­vice: CNH is a com­mu­ni­ty-based agency serv­ing the down­town east core of Toron­to. It address­es social, polit­i­cal, cul­tur­al and eco­nom­ic bar­ri­ers by work­ing in part­ner­ship with indi­vid­u­als, fam­i­lies and groups — respect­ing diver­si­ty and enabling increased par­tic­i­pa­tion and oppor­tu­ni­ties in soci­ety. This event hon­ors 100 years of the CNH.

July 17 (Sun­day) : Dia­logue with Seniors @ Sal­va­tion Army’s Isabel & Arthur Meighen Manor ( 155 Mill­wood Road, Toron­to
Time: 1:30–4:00 pm
Serve as a friend­ly vis­i­tor with seniors around the beau­ti­ful Meighen Manor com­plex.


For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact:

Kath­leen O’Brien
Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Devel­op­ment Offi­cer
Fac­ul­ty of Infor­ma­tion (known as the iSchool)
Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to


(July 15, Toron­to, ON)–In recog­ni­tion of Nel­son Man­dela Inter­na­tion­al Day on Mon­day, July 18, recent Fac­ul­ty of Infor­ma­tion (iSchool), Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to grad­u­ate, Lind­say Chick, has orga­nized two vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties for July 16 and 17 in hon­our Mandela’s call for 67 min­utes of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice.


Nel­son Man­dela Inter­na­tion­al Day cel­e­brates Mandela’s 93rd birth­day. The premise is to give 67 min­utes of your time (or more!) to your com­mu­ni­ty because Nel­son Man­dela gave 67 years of his life to his com­mu­ni­ty and the world. Madi­ba (Man­de­la’s clan name) prefers that peo­ple serve their com­mu­ni­ty rather than donate mon­ey. He urges par­tic­i­pa­tion in com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice projects to encour­age dia­logue. Man­dela Day is a nation­al hol­i­day in South Africa and is rec­og­nized by the Unit­ed Nations.


Ms Chick’s moti­va­tion in orga­niz­ing these events that that each sum­mer, the iSchool sends one stu­dent intern to the Nel­son Man­dela Foun­da­tion’s Cen­tre of Mem­o­ry in Johan­nes­burg, South Africa. Last sum­mer, Ms Chick helped orga­nize Mandela’s archives, and the impact of her time inspired her to keep giv­ing. “Cel­e­brat­ing Nel­son Man­dela Day in Toron­to can help to fur­ther con­nect the stu­dent com­mu­ni­ty with the lega­cy and char­i­ta­ble work of Nel­son Man­dela, gives back to the city of Toron­to, and strengths our com­mit­ment to vol­un­teerism,” says Ms Chick.




July 16 (Sat­ur­day) : Cen­tral Neigh­bor­hood House­’s World of Neigh­bors Event @ Allen Gar­dens Park (Gerrard/Sherbourne) (

Time: 12:00–7pm

Descrip­tion of Ser­vice: CNH is a com­mu­ni­ty-based agency serv­ing the down­town east core of Toron­to. It address­es social, polit­i­cal, cul­tur­al and eco­nom­ic bar­ri­ers by work­ing in part­ner­ship with indi­vid­u­als, fam­i­lies and groups — respect­ing diver­si­ty and enabling increased par­tic­i­pa­tion and oppor­tu­ni­ties in soci­ety. This event hon­ors 100 years of the CNH.


July 17 (Sun­day) : Dia­logue with Seniors @ Sal­va­tion Army’s Isabel & Arthur Meighen Manor ( 155 Mill­wood Road, Toron­to

Time: 1:30–4:00 pm

Serve as a friend­ly vis­i­tor with seniors around the beau­ti­ful Meighen Manor com­plex.





Kath­leen O’Brien

Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Devel­op­ment Offi­cer

Fac­ul­ty of Infor­ma­tion (known as the iSchool)

Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to

Tel. 416.978.7184