Media Releases

There’s No App for That: Managing Cyberbullying in Schools

October 26, 2012

TORONTO, ON – The land­scape of Ontario edu­ca­tion has grown ever more com­plex. Edu­ca­tion­al lead­ers must respond to an increas­ing­ly diverse array of issues and prob­lems from school, dis­trict and com­mu­ni­ty-wide per­spec­tive. A clear and up-to-date under­stand­ing of the frame­work of provin­cial and fed­er­al laws and of recent jurispru­dence relat­ed to edu­ca­tion and schools is a must for every effec­tive admin­is­tra­tor.

Keynote: “There’s No App for That: Man­ag­ing Cyber­bul­ly­ing in Schools”

Advances in tech­nol­o­gy and social media have made the preva­lence and mag­ni­tude of the bul­ly­ing prob­lem much greater. There are respons­es which can reduce this prob­lem in the form of a trin­i­ty of laws, edu­ca­tion and pre­ven­tive inter­ven­tions. In many ways, bul­ly­ing and cyber­bul­ly­ing are symp­toms of deep­er social prob­lems about the dete­ri­o­ra­tion of respect­ful and respon­si­ble human rela­tions in schools and else­where in soci­ety. Schools are a micro­cosm of the larg­er soci­ety and in respond­ing to the grow­ing prob­lems of bul­ly­ing and cyber­bul­ly­ing.


What:   “Law­Works: Edu­ca­tion Law Insti­tute”

Who:    Pro­fes­sor A. Wayne MacK­ay, Schulich School of Law, Dal­housie Uni­ver­si­ty

Jus­tice Peter Lauw­ers, Ontario Supe­ri­or Court of Jus­tice

When: Fri­day Novem­ber 2 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Where: Library, Ontario Insti­tute for Stud­ies in Edu­ca­tion (OISE), Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to.

Join us for lunch and lis­ten to the after­noon keynote address “There’s no App for That: Man­ag­ing Cyber­bul­ly­ing in Schools”


For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact:

Jan­ice Spencer
Tel: 416–978-2107


About OISE:

The Ontario Insti­tute for Stud­ies in Edu­ca­tion (OISE) of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to is an inter­na­tion­al leader in the research, teach­ing and study of issues that mat­ter in edu­ca­tion. As Canada’s largest fac­ul­ty of edu­ca­tion, OISE oper­ates a broad range of inno­v­a­tive aca­d­e­m­ic pro­grams and research ini­tia­tives.