Media Releases
Rotman’s Creative Destruction Lab to showcase innovative U of T start-ups
September 11, 2013
TORONTO, ON — The Creative Destruction Lab at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management will present its second annual DemoCamp on September 12, 2013, highlighting ideas, research, and early-stage companies emanating from the University of Toronto.
Presenters from several U of T faculties such as engineering, computer science and optical science, will showcase their innovations. After the short presentations, a networking event will follow.
DemoCamp 2013 provides students and alumni with an opportunity to meet potential co-founders and learn more about the amazing ideas, companies, and research based at the U of T.
WHO: Creative Destruction Lab
WHAT: DemoCamp 2013
WHEN: 3pm to 6pm, Thursday, September 12
WHERE: Desautels Hall, 95 St. George Street, 2nd Floor, room 2030, Toronto (Google Map:
For information on DemoCamp 2013:
For more information, contact:
U of T Media Relations
Tel: 416–978-0100