Media Releases
Spain to award medal to University of Toronto professor
November 30, 2011
TORONTO, ON — Luis Seco, a mathematics professor and director of RiskLab at the University of Toronto, will be given the Caballero de la Orden del Merito Civil award on Thursday, December 1. Seco is being honoured for his application of mathematics to financial risk management, developing models that have been useful in a number of other countries, including Spain.
The award will be presented to Seco by the Consul General of Spain, Francisco Pascual de la Parte.
Established in 1926 by King Don Alfonso XIII of Spain, the Caballero de la Orden del Merito Civil award recognizes the extraordinary service by foreign and domestic citizens in favour of the Spanish nation. The award is proposed by the Spanish Foreign Affairs Minister, and is given in the name of the King of Spain, Don Juan Carlos I.
Seco will receive the award at the Fields Institute, 222 College Street, at 1 p.m. EST.
For more information, please contact:
Jessica Lewis
Faculty of Arts & Science
University of Toronto
(416) 978‑8887