Media Releases

Unique think tank challenges corporate world to reach beyond what is legal for what is right

March 5, 2013

TORONTO, ON — The Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Fac­ul­ty of Law’s Cen­tre for the Legal Pro­fes­sion (CLP) today launch­es a unique ini­tia­tive called The Pro­gram on Ethics in Law and Busi­ness.

This inno­v­a­tive pro­gram, the first of its kind in North Amer­i­ca, will address con­tem­po­rary eth­i­cal chal­lenges at the inter­sec­tion of law and busi­ness. It brings togeth­er key play­ers to fos­ter dis­cus­sion and under­stand­ing about legal ethics and the cor­po­ra­tion, includ­ing issues of an eth­i­cal nature that arise in com­plex cor­po­rate trans­ac­tions.

“This pro­gram is fun­da­men­tal­ly impor­tant to the devel­op­ment of our col­lec­tive think­ing on ethics at the inter­sec­tion of law and busi­ness, and brings much need­ed atten­tion to these press­ing mat­ters,” says Dean Mayo Moran. “It will fill a gap that cur­rent­ly exists in both the acad­e­my and soci­ety at large about these issues.”

Prof. Ani­ta Anand is the aca­d­e­m­ic direc­tor for this ini­tia­tive. And the program’s advi­so­ry board is com­prised of dis­tin­guished cor­po­rate and legal minds in this area, chaired by The Hon­ourable Frank Iacobuc­ci, senior coun­sel at Torys LLP, and a for­mer dean of the Fac­ul­ty of Law.

Today’s launch includes a pan­el dis­cus­sion involv­ing cur­rent case stud­ies,  at the Munk Cen­tre, 1 Devon­shire Place, from 4 pm to 7 pm fea­tur­ing Prof. Anand, The Hon. Mr. Jus­tice Michael Code of the Supe­ri­or Court of Jus­tice, Lawrence Ritchie of the Cana­di­an Secu­ri­ties Tran­si­tion Office, Julia Hol­land of Torys LLP, Jere­my Fraiberg of Osler Hoskin & Har­court LLP and Alexan­der Dyck from the Rot­man School of Man­age­ment.

The Cen­tre for the Legal Pro­fes­sion cel­e­brates five years of advanc­ing pro­fes­sion­al­ism, ethics and pub­lic ser­vice through­out the legal pro­fes­sion. As a cat­a­lyst for dia­logue, debate and action among the var­i­ous groups with­in the legal com­mu­ni­ty and the pub­lic, the CLP is a place for edu­ca­tion, train­ing, research, out­reach and advo­ca­cy on these impor­tant issues.


For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact:

Pro­fes­sor Ani­ta Anand
Aca­d­e­m­ic Direc­tor, Pro­gram on Ethics in Law and Busi­ness
Tel: 416–946-4002

Lucian­na Cic­co­ciop­po
Direc­tor, Exter­nal Rela­tions
Tel: 416–946-0334