Media Releases
Human rights, religion and the law
January 5, 2012
TORONTO, ON – The wearing of face coverings, the question of whether “Good Friday” at Easter should still be a statutory holiday, and prayers in the school cafeteria over the lunch hour are all questions of religious accommodation in civil society. Beginning January 11, the University of Toronto and the Ontario Human Rights Commission are facilitating a two-day policy consultation on religion and the law. The public is invited to join the conversation to explore the boundaries of religious expression and practice in the public sphere:
WHAT: Human Rights, Religion and the Law (Opening session)
WHEN: Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 7:30 p.m.
WHO: Barbara Hall, Chief Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission
Pamela Klassen, Director of the Religion in the Public Sphere program, University of Toronto
Winnifred Sullivan, Director of the Law, Religion, and Culture, State University of New York
David Seljak, Chair of the Department of Religious Studies, University of Waterloo
WHERE: U of T Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Ave TO, ON M5S 2J7
WHAT: Human Rights and Wrongs: Religion and Creed in the Public Sphere
WHEN: Friday, January 13, 2012, 1:30 pm
WHO: Richard Moon, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, past President of the Canadian Law Society Association. Iain Benson, Senior Associate Counsel with the Litigationn
Practice Group and Senior Research Fellow with the Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life, University of Alberta.
WHERE: U of T Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Ave TO, ON M5S 2J7
For further information, please contact:
Prof. Pamela Klassen at or Richard Chambers at 416–946-3119 or at