Media Releases
Rotman MBAs reach finals of international business competition in singapore
October 18, 2011
TORONTO, ON — For the second consecutive year a team of MBA students from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management made it to the finals of the Cerebration business competition organized by NUS Business School in Singapore.
While the team of Zeeshaan Mustafa, MBA’12, and Nina Krook, MBA’13 didn’t win it all, they did manage to place second in the competition held in Singapore on October 14 and 15. They were also the only team from any business school in North America to be selected for the finals joining competitors from London Business School (2 teams), Indian School of Business, China Europe International Business School, and the Indian Institute of Management, Indore. Mustafa and Krook presented a business plan for Orica, an Australian-owned, publicly-listed global company which is a manufacturer, supplier and service provider to the mining, construction and infrastructure industries.
“It was a close competition and an excellent learning experience for us,” say Mustafa, a student in the Rotman Three Year Evening MBA program and Krook, a student in the Rotman Three Year Morning MBA program. “We wouldn’t have been as successful as we were without the support of Rotman faculty, in particular David Goldreich, William Huggins, and Dan Richards who gave up part of their Thanksgiving holiday to work with us. We’d also like to thank Kinross Gold Corporation for sharing their expertise on the challenges that multi-national companies face in the Commonwealth of Independent States, which was a key part of our plan for Orica.”
Cerebration 2011 combined elements from traditional business plan and business case competitions. Teams selected one of three firms and develop an actionable business plan that can be used by their chosen firm to address its business challenges. In addition, teams also had to focus their plan on one specific market. The competition started on July 1 with 575 teams from business schools around the world. A team from the Rotman Three Year Evening MBA program won the competition in 2010.
More details on the competition are online at
The Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto is redesigning business education for the 21st century with a curriculum based on Integrative Thinking. Located in the world’s most diverse city, the Rotman School fosters a new way to think that enables the design of creative business solutions. The School is currently raising $200 million to ensure Canada has the world-class business school it deserves. For more information, visit
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Ken McGuffin
Manager, Media Relations
Rotman School of Management
Office: 416–946-3818
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