Media Releases

International Astronomy Week ― Imaging Planets beyond the Solar System

April 26, 2011

In cel­e­bra­tion of Inter­na­tion­al Astron­o­my Week, James Gra­ham, direc­tor of the Dun­lap Insti­tute at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to will deliv­er a free pub­lic lec­ture on his top­ic of exper­tise ― how sci­en­tists make images of plan­ets near dis­tant stars using cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy.

Pri­or to the lec­ture, vis­i­tors can take part in an inter­ac­tive plan­e­tar­i­um, see real mete­orites and use a hands-on mod­el demon­strat­ing Einstein’s warped space-time. In addi­tion to these activ­i­ties, after the lec­ture, vis­i­tors may use the tele­scopes on the rooftop obser­va­to­ry to gaze at stars, plan­ets and neb­u­las – if the sky is clear.

Seats for the inter­ac­tive plan­e­tar­i­um shows must be booked online at

Date: Sat­ur­day, April 30

Time: 6:30 pm ― Inter­ac­tive plan­e­tar­i­um

7:30 pm ― Lec­ture

8:30 pm – 11 pm Inter­ac­tive plan­e­tar­i­um & Rooftop tele­scopes

Loca­tion: Bahen Cen­tre, 40 St. George Street, Toron­to



For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact:

Johannes Hirn
Dun­lap Insti­tute for Astron­o­my & Astro­physics
Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to