Media Releases
Apps and real-time simulation among projects on display in engineering showcase
March 31, 2011
TORONTO, ON – A jitterless laser pointer system and ophthalmological self-testing for cataracts using smart phones will be just two of the innovative projects on display at an electrical engineering student showcase on Friday, April 1 from 4 to 6 p.m.
Students from ECE496 – a fourth-year electrical and computer engineering course in which teams of two to four students work on year-long projects under the supervision of a faculty member – are now presenting their projects in a Design Fair. On Friday, the best projects from that fair will be showcased.
Other novel projects on display will include an application that duplicates pictures and movies across iPhones, a multi-channel biopsy coil array for breast MRI imaging, and a real-time simulation of ultrasound fields. Another project, being developed for the CNIB, is a navigation system for the visually impaired. “I’ve seen this, and it’s quite impressive,” said course instructor Philip Anderson, adding that the students “are good at explaining what they do.”
WHAT: ECE496 Showcase (featuring the work of students in The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering)
WHERE: Atrium, Bahen Centre for Information Technology, 40 St. George Street
WHEN: Friday, April 1, 2011, from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
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For more information, please contact:
Elizabeth Raymer
Communications and Media Relations Coordinator
Philip G. Anderson
Senior Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering