Media Releases
Young civic leaders add voice at CivicAction Transportation Debate on April 2
April 2, 2014
TORONTO, ON – As we near the Ontario Budget, CivicAction continues its Your32 campaign to increase investment in our regional transportation network by giving students and young people a voice in the great transportation debate.
On April 2, the new CEO of CivicAction and President of University of Toronto will host “From the Boardroom to the Dorm Room”, a discussion with youth leaders from the four major political parties (Young Liberals, PCs, NDPs and Greens) on how we deliver a better daily commute for students and young people across the region.
This next generation has the motivation and influence to get transportation moving in our region:
- More than 1 in 4 first year U of T students spend an average 16 hours a week* commuting to and from campus. That’s well above the 16% average at other Ontario universities*, and well above the average of 6.8 hours a week** spent by commuters generally in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA).
When: Wednesday, April 2nd, 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Where: Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School of Global Affairs,
1 Devonshire Place, Toronto
- Meric Gertler, President of the University of Toronto
- Sevaun Palvetzian, CEO, CivicAction
- Matti Siemiatycki., Associate Professor- Geography and Program in Planning, University of Toronto
- Moderator: Mary Wiens, Journalist/ Producer- CBC Radio One Metro Morning
- Youth representatives from the four major political parties:
- Alanna Newman, President- Ontario PC Youth Association
- Jesseca Dudun, Anglophone Communications Director- Young Greens Council
- Laura Anonen, Central West Representative on the Ontario New Democratic Youth Executive
- Michelle Johnston, President- Ontario Young Liberals
Quick Facts:
- More than half of first year U of T students commute each day – 57%*
- The average person in the GTHA spends 82 minutes commuting every day — 6.8 hours a week.**
- There are 32 minutes a day at stake as we decide whether to invest more in how we get around. It is the difference between the average commute time if the regional transportation plan The Big Move is funded and built over the next 25 years (77 minutes), versus the commute time if no comprehensive system is in place over the same time (109 minutes). **
*Source: National Survey of Student Engagement
About CivicAction For the past 10 years, the Greater Toronto CivicAction Alliance (CivicAction) has brought together senior executives and rising leaders from all sectors to tackle some of our region’s toughest social, economic and environmental challenges. CivicAction sets a non-partisan agenda, builds strategic partnerships with organizations, and launches campaigns, programs and organizations that transform our region. For more information, visit:, @CivicActionGTA
Media Contact: Keesha Bell, or 647–267-4997