Media Releases

Late BMX Athlete Dave Mirra Suffered From CTE

May 25, 2016

Time | May. 24, 2016

Leg­endary BMX ath­lete Dave Mir­ra, who died in February,suffered from chron­ic trau­mat­ic encephalopa­thy (CTE), a Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to neu­ropathol­o­gist has con­clud­ed. Mir­ra is the first action sports ath­lete to be diag­nosed with CTE, ESPN reports. The neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­ease, a type of chron­ic brain dam­age, has been found in many foot­ball play­ers, and is being inves­ti­gat­ed fur­ther in ath­letes of oth­er sports. It can lead to demen­tia, mem­o­ry loss, aggres­sion and depres­sion. Read more.