Media Releases

Build up: How one innovative startup is working to make high rises earthquake-proof

April 21, 2016

Financial Post | Apr. 20, 2016

One Toron­to-based start­up aims to help make build­ings that can with­stand earth­quakes of any mag­ni­tude. Kinet­i­ca is set to launch its Vis­coelas­tic Cou­pling Damper (VCD) tech­nol­o­gy in the YC Con­dos devel­op­ment under­way in down­town Toron­to.  Michael Mont­gomery, chief exec­u­tive of Kinet­i­ca, found­ed the com­pa­ny with Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to pro­fes­sor Con­stan­tin Christopou­los. Read more.