Media Releases

Revealed: Our Decade Dozen—the top 12 alumni to watch

December 14, 2010

TORONTO, ON — The Fac­ul­ty of Law’s Nexus mag­a­zine is excit­ed to final­ly reveal its Decade Dozen list, an out­stand­ing group of the Top 12 alum­ni to watch over the next 10 years.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to:

•    Sachin Aggar­w­al, JD/MBA 2004, “Strate­gist with a smile”
•    Rob Cen­ta, LLB 1999, “Lit­i­ga­tor extra­or­di­naire”
•    Steven Elliott, JD 1995, “The gold stan­dard”
•    John Han­naford, LLB 1993, “Arc­tic Cir­cle diplo­mat”
•    Rub­sun Ho, LLB 1995, “In-house entre­pre­neur”
•    Sonia Lawrence, LLB/MSW 1999, “Legal edu­ca­tion reformer”
•    Mar­cia Mof­fat, JD/MBA 1996, “Banker on the rise”
•    Ben­jamin Per­rin, JD 2005, “Canada’s unstop­pable hero”
•    Rachel Sklar, JD 1998, “CanAm media maven”
•    Lara Tes­saro, LLB 2002, “Plan­et pro­tec­tor”
•    Mag­gie Wente, LLB 2002, “Com­mu­ni­ty cham­pi­on”
•    Cor­nell Wright, JD/MBA 2000, “C‑suite advis­er”

From back­room strate­gists to bankers, from lead­ers to lit­i­ga­tors and more, the goal was to iden­ti­fy and cel­e­brate these young, tal­ent­ed alum­ni toil­ing qui­et­ly but con­fi­dent­ly in their var­ied fields 10–20 years post-grad­u­a­tion.

“Our alum­ni are an incred­i­ble source of strength for our law school,” says Dean Mayo Moran.  “They are lead­ers in so many areas.  The grad­u­ates cho­sen as our Decade Dozen exem­pli­fy the remark­able diver­si­ty and tal­ent of our alum­ni com­mu­ni­ty, and we are very proud of their achieve­ments.”

Read why these extra­or­di­nary peo­ple, nom­i­nat­ed by their class­mates, are our Top 12 alum­ni to watch.


For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact:

Kate Hilton, JD 1999
Assis­tant Dean of Advance­ment / Edi­tor in Chief, Nexus mag­a­zine