Media Releases

Toronto Community Housing youth in the running for track scholarships

July 26, 2011

TORONTO, ON — On Wednes­day, July 27th, more than 250 Toron­to Com­mu­ni­ty Hous­ing ten­ants between the ages of 13 and 18 from across the city will com­pete for schol­ar­ships to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Track Club at the Search for Stars Track Meet.

The schol­ar­ships give recip­i­ents access to pro­fes­sion­al ath­let­ic train­ing, in-depth health work­shops and clin­ics. They also fund reg­is­tra­tion and trav­el costs for com­pe­ti­tions in which the ath­letes par­tic­i­pate. The schol­ar­ships are renewed annu­al­ly if recip­i­ents main­tain good grades. Many past recip­i­ents have gone on to pur­sue post-sec­ondary ath­let­ics and stud­ies.

The meet is a part­ner­ship between Toron­to Com­mu­ni­ty Hous­ing and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Track Club. For Toron­to Com­mu­ni­ty Hous­ing, the part­ner­ship is about con­nect­ing ten­ants to oppor­tu­ni­ties for per­son­al growth that will help build healthy com­mu­ni­ties.

WHERE:    Var­si­ty Cen­tre
299 Bloor Street West

 WHEN:    Wednes­day, July 27, 2011
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
10 a.m. – remarks

 WHO:    250 youth
Deb­o­rah Simon, Toron­to Com­mu­ni­ty Housing’s Chief Oper­at­ing Offi­cer

 VISUALS:    Youth com­pet­ing in var­i­ous track and field events.

About Toron­to Com­mu­ni­ty Hous­ing
Toron­to Com­mu­ni­ty Hous­ing ( is Canada’s largest social hous­ing provider and home to more than 164,000 ten­ants with low and mod­er­ate incomes—about six per cent of the City of Toron­to’s pop­u­la­tion. Toron­to Com­mu­ni­ty Hous­ing employs 1,400 staff in a broad range of jobs, who deliv­er its man­date to pro­vide afford­able hous­ing, con­nect ten­ants to ser­vices and oppor­tu­ni­ties, and work togeth­er to build healthy com­mu­ni­ties.

For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact:

Kyle Rooks
Toron­to Com­mu­ni­ty Hous­ing