Media Releases

G20 research group experts on site at Seoul summit

November 4, 2010

TORONTO, ON — The G20 Research Group will have a team of experts avail­able for inter­views and analy­sis on site at the COEX Inter­na­tion­al Media Cen­tre in Seoul for the G20 Sum­mit.

John Kir­ton, co-direc­tor <>
Alan Alexan­droff, co-direc­tor <>
Don­ald Bre­an, co-direc­tor <>
Jenilee Gue­bert, direc­tor of research <>
Lida Prey­ma, direc­tor of cap­i­tal mar­kets research <>
Neti­la Dem­neri, chair <>

To reach us by tele­phone while we are in Seoul, please call +82–010-8659–6542. This num­ber will be active from Novem­ber 8 to 13. Oth­er­wise, please call +1–416-588‑3833.

The G20 Research Group will release its com­pli­ance report on com­mit­ments made at the Toron­to Sum­mit in the com­ing days.

While print­ed copies of The G20 Seoul Sum­mit 2010: Shared Growth Beyond Cri­sis will be avail­able at the COEX media cen­tre, the elec­tron­ic ver­sion is avail­able from the G20 Infor­ma­tion Cen­tre at <>. Oth­er back­ground doc­u­ments are also avail­able from the G20 Infor­ma­tion Cen­tre at <>.


For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact:

Made­line Koch
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor
G20 Research Group
In Seoul Nov 8 to 13: +82–010-8659–6542
In Toron­to: +1–416-588‑3833