Media Releases
EgyptAir crash
May 20, 2016
The following is a list of University of Toronto experts who can comment on a variety of issues related to the EgyptAir crash.
Arne Kislenko, Adjunct Professor at U of T’s Munk School of Global Affairs
Expertise: Terrorism, Egypt says possibility this was a terror attack is strong
Tel: (416) 946‑8973
Doug Perovic, Professor in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Expertise: Forensic engineering and failure analysis
Tel: (416)-978‑5635
*Read Q & A with professor Perovic about the MH370 crash and what aircraft debris can tell experts
Tracy Rogers, Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology
Expertise: Forensic anthropology, searching for bodies, human remains
Tel: (905)-828‑5449
*Read Q & A with professor Rogers about the MH17 crash and what human remains can tell experts